Series: Beck Sisters

ARC Reviews: Off the Map and The Good Luck Cafe

Posted March 27, 2023 / Book Reviews / 0 Comments
ARC Reviews: Off the Map and The Good Luck Cafe

`These books were two of my most anticipated contemporary romance reads for this year. They’ve also been sitting on my Kindle for MONTHS and I can’t believe I didn’t read them much earlier than their pub date! Man, this year has flown by. OFF THE MAP is the third (and I believe final?) book in this companion series about the Beck sisters. I’ve loooooved this series so far and am happy to report that I really enjoyed this one! It’s my least favorite of the bunch but still very steamy and swoony and wanderlusty. We follow Anna’s best friend, Carla (so not really a Beck sister), as she is heading to *spoiler for book one* Anna’s wedding in Keane’s home of Ireland. Keane’s brother, Eamon (who we met in the first book) is due to pick her up and bring her to the wedding. Sparks fly between them right away and the night quickly gets away from them in the bar… and then Keane’s apartment.  Carla has been traveling most of her life and avoiding her dad’s dementia diagnosis, and Eamon is dying to break out of his routine and do the same kind of thing. You’d think that would make things easier for them but it doesn’t, of course! The two of them take some detours on the way to the wedding and really enjoy each other’s company. They have really great chemistry and I actually like how quickly they hooked up. It was more unique for a romance […]

ARC Review: The Suite Spot

Posted April 8, 2022 / Book Reviews / 0 Comments
ARC Review: The Suite Spot

I really loved FLOAT PLAN so I had pretty high hopes for THE SUITE SPOT. These books were both similar and different from each other and therefore perfect companions. I could spend this whole review comparing the two books and sisters but I’ll try to keep it (mostly) about this one. When Rachel is fired from her job at a fancy boutique hotel in Florida, she and her daughter Maisie aren’t sure what’s next. She receives a lead from a friend that a guy on a small Ohio island is looking for someone to run his brewery-centered hotel/glamping spot. When her “boyfriend” disappoints them once again, she decides to take the plunge and the job. Mason, the owner of the place, wasn’t fully up front with her when he offered the job – the cabins aren’t even built yet and the brewery is barely done. He’s mourning the loss of a few things/people in his life too and remains pretty guarded around Rachel and Maisie. I adored the small island setting AND brewery hotel storyline. I would 100% stay at a glamping resort like this one! Small town vibes are my favorite to read and this setting had the perfect little town of people to flesh that out. Maisie was super cute and Mason was an excellent love interest. I like how this series so far has been very heavy on the family feels and/or overcoming some kind of grief or loss – taking relationships and romance slowly after disappointment […]

Five Star ARC Reviews: It’s Kind of a Cheesy Love Story and Float Plan

Posted March 18, 2021 / Book Reviews / 0 Comments
Five Star ARC Reviews: It’s Kind of a Cheesy Love Story and Float Plan

Thanks to Morgan, I read MEANT TO BE years ago. She thought I would like it based on my questionnaire for Secret Santa (I think?) and sent it my way, and she was totally right. I have completely slept on her other books since then though and clearly that’s a damn shame. IT’S KIND OF A CHEESY LOVE STORY obviously caught my eye because I love pizza more than most things in the world. A girl is born in a pizza parlor’s bathroom and she’s given free pizza for life AND a job when she turns sixteen. Begrudgingly, she accepts both, and spends her Friday night in Hot N’ Crusty instead of with her group of ~popular~ friends that she doesn’t necessarily fit in with anymore (did she ever?). I truly adored this book – it had all of the elements I’m looking for in a YA romance. Beck is trying to figure out what to do with her life but not in the traditional ways within the genre. Sure, she’s not sure yet about college or future jobs, but she’s trying to find herself among her friends and new work group. She has a secret obsession with a sci-fi show and a few other pieces of herself that she’s hiding from her friends, which is creating a wedge between them that only grows when she finds common interests with her HNC pals. It was lovely to watch her grow closer to Julianne and the others through movie nights and […]