WWW Wednesdays #16
WWW Wednesdays are hosted by Should Be Reading, where we answer three questions each week: What are you currently reading? What did you recently finish reading? What are you planning to read next? I took a break from the Gallagher Girls reread (since I messed up my requests at the library) and finally started The Maze Runner! I just hit the 50% mark this morning and am really enjoying it so far. I like it because I have no clue what’s going on – just like the main character. He’s finally starting to get going with the actual maze running, so I’m excited to see what happens in the second half of the book. Chris and I are trying to see it on Tuesday so I’m hoping to do a little more listening than usual to finish it up soon. I just finished my previous book last night and haven’t technically started my next read (One Past Midnight) yet. I have it with me at work so hopefully I can get some done before the Ho-Ho-Ho Holiday Readathon starts tomorrow! I totally didn’t realize it was coming up that quickly. I’ve been looking forward to One Past Midnight for months and can’t believe I put it off for so long. I’m hoping to make some decent progress before I pause my reading. I finished the second Gallagher Girls book, Cross My Heart and Hope to Spy. Yet again, totally didn’t remember anything that happened in it! I’m excited to keep going […]