Five on Fridays #15
Five on Friday displays the the top five things that have been on my mind this week! It could be book-related, but it may be music, movies, TV, personal life, food, etc. It’s been quite a few months since I’ve done one of these! It’s funny because the past two months have been incredibly busy for me; I would actually have A LOT to share… if I had taken the time to write them! Without further ado, here’s a big ol’ Five on Friday update! As you probably saw in my recent end-of-month wrap-up, May was kind of intense. I usually have a very nonexistant social life because Chris and I tend to be homebodies, but we were so freaking busy in May. We had birthday parties, a jam-packed Mother’s Day, trips to Providence and Boston, a Lego event, a graduation… Yeah, it was crazy. We didn’t get a lot of time to ourselves on the weekends, that’s for sure. It was nice to mix it up a little but it would have been better to have some free time intermixed. I loved being a bit more social (which I’ll get to in my final point down there) and getting to meet bloggers at BEA (which is in my fourth point). I guess this is here just to be like, yeah, this month was insane. Yeah it’s no secret that I’m damn antsy for football. As I’ve said, its my only hobby aside from reading. We’ve been watching the NFL Top […]