Inside & Out #15: Cynthia from Bingeing on Books

Posted September 28, 2015 / Features, Inside and Out / 0 Comments

inside out

Admiring book covers and bookmarks, shared by you!

Welcome to INSIDE AND OUT. This feature includes two of my absolute favorite book-related things: bookmarks (inside) and book covers (out)! I’ve invited guest posters to share their favorite book covers and bookmarks here on the second and fourth Mondays of each month. Sign-ups are always open (see bottom of post)! Check out past posts here.

the reader2

Cynthia from Bingeing on Books

Twitter: @Bingeingonbooks| Instagram: Bingeingonbooks | Goodreads

Tell me a little about yourself: I have been blogging for almost one year (my blog will be one in November!!) and I live in Naples, Italy with my husband and my dog. When I’m not reading books, I love talking about them and writing about them. Oh, and I love pretending that I will actually read all the books on my TBR one day. In addition to all the books, I love travel and binge watching shows on Netflix.

Talk about your blog (what you blog about/kinds of books, features, etc.):  I mostly blog about Young Adult books, though I read a lot of Adult stuff and Classics too. I post reviews, giveaways, Top Ten lists, and book related discussions. Sometimes I even sneak in some pictures of my recent travels around Europe.

Favorite genre: Mostly Fantasy and Science Fiction, though I love a lot of Contemporary Stuff too.

Three books you recommend most often and why: This is a difficult question because everyone’s tastes are so different. I wouldn’t necessarily recommend the same thing to everyone. A few of my all time favorites that I have tried to push on as many people as possible are: Sea of Tranquility by Katja Millay, Black Iris by Leah Raeder and The Wayward Pines series by Blake Crouch.

Anything else to share? Personal plug for something coming up? I will be doing a big giveaway for my one year blogaversary in November!

sea of tranquility

the cover2

What book do we have here?  Sea of Tranquility by Katja Millay

Have you read it yet? If so, how was it?  It is one of my all time favorite books!

What makes this cover a favorite? I just love the simplicity of this one with the fonts and the faces in shadow. I usually hate faces on covers, but I like the way these are in shadow. It fits the story perfecto.

What kind/style of covers do you usually pine over (script fonts, bright colors, realistic, etc.)?  I do love bright colors, but I also like very dark ones (I am a contradiction, right?) I love flowery and elaborate fonts with simple designs. I also like simple backgrounds. Simple backgrounds and designs with fancy fonts. Love it.

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What bookmark did you chose?  I chose a couple of my leather bookmarks

What makes this one special to you? These are genuine leather bookmarks I bought from the leather school in Florence, Italy.

Where’s it from?  Florence, Italy!

What kind of bookmarks do you prefer (paper, magnetic, quotes, etc.)?  90% of my books are on Kindle, but I still have such a thing for bookmarks. I like collecting interesting ones from places I visit. I like very sturdy bookmarks that won’t fall out of my book. Ones made of heavy duty material (like these leather ones, for instance) are perfect.

Thanks so much for joining Inside & Out, Cynthia! Those bookmarks are often and that book is definitely on my TBR!

Join in the fun!

Important: Sign-ups are always open and currently scheduled through the beginning of 2016.

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