Clean Sweep ARC Challenge and Bookish Bingo Readathon Sign-Ups

Posted March 19, 2016 / Book Challenges, Features / 3 Comments

Here today signing up for two challenges/readathons for April and May!

Clean Sweep ARC Challenge

This is something I am in desperate need of. I told myself I would be picky with challenges this year, and the Clean Sweep ARC Challenge is making the cut for sure. I have so many ARCs still leftover from ALA Midwinter, some that have already been published (both from ALA and eARCs), and some blog tour books coming up. At the time of posting this, my ARC TBR is a bit huge. I’m sure I’ll knock some off by the time May comes around, but I am so in for this challenge to finish up the rest.

Clean Sweep ARC Challenhe

Hosted by Kimberly @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer and Kristin @ Addicted to Happily Ever After

For the fourth year in a row during the month of May we will be challenging you to get those advanced reading copies read!  These can be e-arc’s, finished copies, audio and physical arcs. (regardless of release date) As an added bonus you will be able to schedule advanced reviews and free up your time to enjoy the warmer weather. To make things fun there will be 24 hour readathon and a grand prize for a 2016 release.

So roll up your sleeves grab your brooms and check your NetGalley stats, Edelweiss haul and those books you’ve meant to review in your ARC TBR pile..because it’s time to make a CLEAN SWEEP!

Some rules I’m highlighting so I don’t forget the big ones: 

  • ARC’s must be read between May 1st, 2016 and May 31st, 2016
  • All ARCS/finished copies that were provided by publisher/author are eligible. They can be in any format (eBook, physical, audio)
  • Post start-up post with goals (can be posted at start event) Be sure to link back to hosts.
  • Tweet using hashtag #CleanSweepARC
  • You do not have to post review on blog during the month of May. Just give a link to Goodreads showing read May 1 to 31st with a two sentence review. Please friend us on Goodreads, so we can see your shelves: Kimba and Kristin
  • Twitter Party Wednesday May 18th at 7:30 pm (EST)#CleanSweepARC
  • Participate in at least one challenge.
  • Earn extra entries by participating in the 24 hour ARC read-a-thon Saturday May 21, 2016 #CleanSweepThon

Usually I like to make my goals post right away when I sign up, but I am REALLY hoping to get some of my upcoming ARCs (and older ones) done before May. I don’t want to give myself a TBR/goal list quite yet because I’m going to be ambitious and finish some beforehand.

In the meantime, check out the following shelves to see what ARCs in general I’ll be picking from when the time comes:

*This shelf contains books I receive/borrow from friends or ARC tours. I usually sign up for a decent amount, so I expect some to come into my possession during the month of May. I usually have a week or so to read them, so they’ll definitely be priority too.

Bookish Bingo Readathon

I love participating in Bookish Bingo over at Pretty Deadly Reviews. I’ve done the past 6 rounds maybe? This seems like a fun way to focus specifically on the boxes insead of just fitting them in whenever I happen to read one. I’m usually pretty good about finishing ALMOST the entire card each time. I hope I can finish the whole thing for this round!

The readathon will start at 12am on April 3rd, and run the entire week, ending at 11:59pm on April 9th.

The Bookish Bingo Readathon is all about reading books that fit into the squares of the Spring Bingo card. You don’t have to make a bingo or anything, just make sure the books you read for the readathon match up on the card. This is all about getting a good chunk of your card covered!

More information and sign-ups here!

Here’s what I have so far with the bingo card. This will probably change by the time the readathon begins because it’s a couple of weeks away. I’m not going to choose a TBR. I’ll be looking at Bekka’s suggestions that she always provides, as well as trying to see what books on my TBR will work within the boxes. My general goal is to read 2-3 books that match up with categories here.

spring bingo march 20

3 responses to “Clean Sweep ARC Challenge and Bookish Bingo Readathon Sign-Ups

  1. This is perfect! Thanks for bringing the challenge to my attention. I’m definitely participating in this. I have way too many ARCs that I need to read… this should help motivate me.

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