ARC August and Bout of Books Wrap-Up

Posted September 3, 2016 / Book Challenges, Features / 4 Comments


ARC August is officially over and I did a fairly decent job honestly. Let’s recap on my goal:

My goal was to have a 1:1 ARC to regular/backlist ratio this month.

I was really hoping I could push it to 2:1, especially with my goal to only read ARCs for Bout of Books at the end of the month. How did I do? Let’s investigate.


Wrecked9780373212408.inddGeminaGame On (Lewis Creek, #2)
Sweet Carolina MorningThis Adventure EndsThe Year We Turned FortyCherry

Week One (8/1 through 8/6)

Non-ARCs finished: 0   ///   ARCs finished: 2
Non-ARCs: None this week

  • August 2nd: Finished WRECKED, Started IF I FIX YOU
  • August 5th: Finished IF I FIX YOU
Week Two (8/7 through 8/13)

Non-ARCs finished: 2   ///   ARCs finished: 1
Harry Potter & the Cursed Child, Truly Madly Guilty

  • August 8th: Started GEMINA
  • August 12th: Finished GEMINA
Week Three (8/14 through 8/20)

Non-ARCs finished: 3   ///   ARCs finished: 1
Non-ARCs: Nantucket Red, Before I Fall, Crown of Midnight

  • August 15th: Started GAME ON
  • August 18th: Finished GAME ON
  • August 19th: Started SWEET CAROLINA MORNING
Week Four (8/21 through 8/27)

Non-ARCs finished: 0   ///   ARCs finished: 2
Non-ARCs: None

  • August 21st: Started THIS ADVENTURE ENDS
  • August 22nd: Finished SWEET CAROLINA MORNING
  • August 23rd: Finished THIS ADVENTURE ENDS
  • August 24th: Started THE YEAR WE TURNED FORTY
Week Five (8/28 through 8/31)

Non-ARCs finished: 0   ///   ARCs finished: 1
Non-ARCs: None

  • August 29th: Started CHERRY
  • August 31st: Finished THE YEAR WE TURNED FORTY

I ended up finishing ARC August with a total of 5 regular books to 7 ARCs. YAY! That’s better than the 1:1 I was hoping for. I read more ARCs than backlist titles, so that’s great for me.

Bout of Books

Bout of Books 16 Tracking

The Bout of Books read-a-thon is organized by Amanda @ On a Book Bender and Kelly @ Reading the Paranormal. It is a week long read-a-thon that begins 12:01am Monday, August 22nd and runs through Sunday, August 28th in whatever time zone you are in. Bout of Books is low-pressure. There are challenges, giveaways, and a grand prize, but all of these are completely optional. For all Bout of Books 17 information and updates, be sure to visit the Bout of Books blog. – From the Bout of Books team

I decided not to set a quantity goal for this round of Bout of Books because for me it’s going to be more about the type of books. So, because this coincides nicely with ARC August…

My goal was to only read ARCs during Bout of Books.

Focusing on only starting ARCs and not allowing myself to start non-ARCs (except audiobooks – I never have advanced copies of those) would be a good way to finish ARC August. I’m glad it coincides with the very end of the month because it’s a final push to read some of these and get ahead for September.


Sweet Carolina MorningThis Adventure Ends

Daily Progress
  • August 22nd: Finished SWEET CAROLINA MORNING (eARC)
    • Started HEIR OF FIRE (audiobook)
  • August 23rd: Finished THIS ADVENTURE ENDS
  • August 24th: Started THE YEAR WE TURNED FORTY (eARC)

LOL at Bout of Books this round. I did absolutely zero reading for the final 3 days because I was away on vacation. I thought I may have some time to read on the beach or by the pool but I was with 3 other people, so we chatted a lot instead. I’m not mad though because I did a pretty good job banging out a couple of books I guess? AND my goal was technically achieved because I did only read ARCs! I managed to finish two ARCs and start a third, which I finished a couple of days later.

4 responses to “ARC August and Bout of Books Wrap-Up

  1. I think you did amazing in both challenges this year, you finished a lot of ARCs! also, it seems like you were having a lot of fun on your vacation 😀

  2. That’s great about ARC August and a cool way to track your goals! I read 7 arcs as well and have been trying to read more backlist/owned books. Bookish bingo helped me with that 🙂 I’ve never tried Bout of Books but it sounds fun! And at least you read a couple books 🙂

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