Vacation Week Immediate TBR

Posted September 2, 2016 / Book Lists, Features, TBR Lists / 7 Comments

I am on a glorious vacation ALL WEEK. Today is my last day of work until September 12th. My vacation will involve sitting on my ass at home for days and days… and reading a lot of books. Usually I only take time off so I can GO somewhere. But, because of Labor Day and other fun friend/party things happening, I’m taking the whole week off to do whatever I want.


My birthday is on Friday (weeee!) so Chris and I will be spending some time doing something. But other than that? I’ll be home, by myself, enjoying a lot of Netflix and (hopefully more) reading. I hope to treat this almost like Bout of Books where I just kind of read like there’s no tomorrow. I’ve been thinking about how badly I need this uninterrupted reading time.

bill murray richard dreyfuss nw what about bob mcgarrygirl78

I thought it would be fun to put together an immediate TBR for this week of vacation. I hope to get through as many of these as possible, but I also want to do some other ~* me things *~ this week too. I love Chris and living with him is great, but it can be really hard to focus on things like reading or other TV shows I want to watch. I usually get some good time when he’s in the middle of a video game or something, but this week is MIIIIINEEEE to be alone with my books and quiet.

I hope at least some of you know where these gifs are from… only one of the best movies ever.


Vacation Week TBR!

The Goodbye YearUnscripted Joss ByrdThe Summer I Turned Pretty (Summer, #1)

The Goodbye Year by Kaira Rouda • I have a blog tour review coming up on Friday the 9th for this book so it’s the first I’ll be reading during the week! If I have my shit together, I’ll be starting this one ASAP or already started.

Unscripted Joss Byrd by Lygia Day Penaflor • This one is super short so I’d love to finish it fairly quickly! Maybe I can just lay in bed for a few hours and read it in one sitting some morning 😉

The Summer I Turned Pretty (trilogy) by Jenny Han • It’s a bit ambitious to read all three of these books within a few days but maybe it’s really not. I remember reading them the first time around within 2 days easily. Labor Day is the last hurrah for summer so I think it’ll be a nice way to end the season!

26 KissesThe Love That Split the WorldKiss Cam

26 Kisses by Anna Michels • I’ve had this ARC for a while now and just haven’t gotten around to it. I’ve seen some great reviews and some so-so ones. Not sure how I’ll fare but it seems like a great, light book for vacation!

The Love that Split the World by Emily Henry • I have this one coming due to the library and I REFUSE to return it without reading it. That would be honestly the third time I’ve done it even though I was suuuuper excited about this one upon seeing the synopsis. MUST READ!

Kiss Cam by Kiara London • In keeping with the apparent kiss theme here, I’d love to knock this one off ASAP. I’ve been super excited for it since I saw it and getting ahead for October ARCs would be wonderful. I have some that are “due” earlier than this one, but I have a feeling I’ll be reaching for this instead.

Honorable Mention

In case I have a reallllly aggressive week of reading somehow, I want to toss another few options here.

Been Here All AlongHeartlessBefore I GoThis Is Your Afterlife

So that’s it for me! I hope to read like a crazy person all week and avoid any other responsibilities. Right now, the only plans (aside from my birthday) involve a lunch date with my mom and hopefully an eye appointment. So bye!!

Image result for what about bob sailing gif

7 responses to “Vacation Week Immediate TBR

  1. I hope you have a great vacation and birthday!! Great TBR picks. I have wanted to read The Love That Splits the World since it came out so I would love to see what you think. If you can fit in Been Here All Along it is super short and sweet 🙂

  2. […] I didn’t post about my birthday when it happened last week (September 9th) because I had a blog tour that day. I’ve been trying to be better about saving money and budgeting so unfortunately a giveaway didn’t happen either. Regardless, Chris took the day off from work so we could hit up some of my favorite places all day… and end with my favorite food. Here’s how we celebrated throughout the week since I was on vacation all week! […]

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