MORE Upcoming Books I’m Super Excited For

Posted November 4, 2016 / Discussions, Features / 23 Comments

headerI hope you’re ready for even MORE unreleased books I’m super excited about! Back in March, I talked about some other new and upcoming books I was excited for and thent I also shared books that aren’t releasing for a loooong time but I wanted them immediately. I’ve been trying to highlight newer and upcoming releases (both in the far future and the near future) lately because I have a lot of fun putting bookish lists together and never doing anything with them. I always love adding new books to my TBR and creeping on other people’s posts like this! Without further ado, here are some more upcoming releases (2017 books that now have cover art) that I need.

The Young Wives Club Spellbook of the Lost and Found This Is Not the End

The Young Wives Club by Julie Pennell • February 2017

I really love books involving groups of women coming together to ~bond~ about something. In this case, a few young wives deal with a wide variety of relationship situations and lean on each other to work through them. I also would like to say this cover is perfect and now I need cake.

Spellbook of the Lost and Found by Moira Fowley-Doyle • August 2017

I didn’t read this author’s debut even though it really intrigued me, and this concept is no different. Various people in the town start losing things… only to have them reappear in the fields. Then there’s some kind of spellbook and other crazy and mysterious things start happening! I’ve been intrigued by magical realism lately, clearly.

This is Not the End by Chandler Baker • August 2017

The first paragraph sounds like a regular, sad YA novel – a girl loses her best friend and boyfriend in one night, and has to move on. However, the twist is CRAZY: the world has developed resurrection technology where “each person gets one resurrection to be used or forfeited on their eighteenth birthday. Mere weeks away from turning eighteen, Lake faces an impossible choice.” EEEK. Who does she choose?! What happensssss?

Hello, Sunshine The Other F-Word Zenn Diagram

Hello, Sunshine by Leila Howland • July 2017

Okay so where do I even begin with this one? Leila Howland is great, this cover is adorable, and the tagline on the Goodreads synopsis says “A Prep School Girl with a Hollywood Dream.”  I’m just curious, was this book written just for me? Possibly. It sounds like Lauren read-bait with that one sentence alone.

The Other F-Word by Natasha Friend • March 2017

This synopsis reminds me of the movie The Kids Are All Right, which I enjoyed! There are some kids conceived through in vitro who want to meet their biological father, as well as other biological half-siblings they meet along the way. I love the family themes and yes, fine, the cover is cool with the frame on the outside!

Zenn Diagram by Wendy Brant • March 2017

Authors these days are coming up with so many cool book ideas. I don’t know how they do it. This book is actually the one that inspired me to write this post because the concept is just so cool to me. “When [the main character] touches another person or anything that belongs to them – from clothes to textbooks to cell phones – she sees a vision of their emotions. She can read a person’s fears and anxieties, their secrets and loves.”

Literally Fireworks Windfall

Literally by Lucy Keating • April 2017

I loooooved Keating’s debut and this one was MADE FOR ME. Seriously. Stranger Than Fiction is one of my all-time favorite movies and this book is incredibly similar to it. The main character realizes that Lucy Keating is writing a book about her life and she tries to break out of it. YESSS. (Also watch that movie if you haven’t.)

Fireworks by Katie Cotugno • April 2017

This book is “set in Orlando during the late-’90s boy-and-girl-band craze.” – SAY NO MORE. I know I was younger during that particular craze, but I still looooooved it. I was born in ’91 so I was only around 8-10 years old when some of my favorite bands were gaining momentum. (Don’t tell me you like BSB more than NSYNC because you’ll be incorrect.) I just like this “historical” book because it takes place only 20ish years ago. Fun!

Windfall by Jennifer E. Smith • May 2017

I ALWAYS think about the things I’d do if I won the lottery and I think this is the second book I’ve seen recently that involves it. (Anyone remember the other one?!) I like Jennifer E. Smith’s books enough to keep reading them even though they’re a little too light and formulaic for me. Regardless, this one sounds the most up my alley and I love that they redesigned this cover to be different from her other books. Cuteeeee.

One of Us Is Lying Juniper Lemon's Happiness Index What To Say Next

One of Us is Lying by Karen M. McManus • May 2017

The Breakfast Club meets Pretty Little Liars? Sign me up. Books where people are stuck together in one way or another are my JAM. This synopsis basically says it’s the people of the Breakfast Club except one of them dies right before threatening to expose all of their secrets. (!!!!!!)

Juniper Lemon’s Happiness Index by Julie Israel • June 2017

I featured this one on the other post with books I was excited about, but it didn’t have a cover yet… so naturally it’s here again. I’m kind of weirdly obsessed with this one because of the confetti and colors and the girl’s funny face and the font. It has a fun 70s vibe to it or something. Juniper finds a letter addressed to “you” after her sister dies (that she wrote the day before she died), so she tracks down her sister’s secret love.

What to Say Next by Julie Buxbaum • July 2017

I was a huge fan of the previous book I read by Buxbaum (and still need to read her backlist), so this one is a no-brainer. I love the new cover art too! So cute. I like the idea of a popular girl and outcast guy becoming friends (maybe more than friends?!) as they try to figure out the circumstances surrounding her father’s death.

Once and for All I Believe in a Thing Called Love Just Fly Away

Once and For All by Sarah Dessen • June 2017

I love Sarah Dessen, of course, so I was puuumped to see a new book by her! I was nervous after her last book because she made it seem like she may not keep writing. This cover is so cute (love the colors and flowers), so I’m really really excited. I also love the wedding planning aspect!

I Believe in a Thing Called Love by Maurene Goo • May 2017

Aside from the perfect song that the title reminds me of, this book sounds so cute. I’m not overly familiar with Korean dramas but Chris’s mom watches them like nobody’s business (and Thai dramas too haha). I know how over-the-top and fun they can be, so this seems like a really great concept for a YA!

Just Fly Away by Andrew McCarthy • May 2017

I’ve been kind of avoiding the more serious or sad YA contemporaries lately, but this one seems too interesting to pass up. I love books involving family secrets coming to light! A girl discovers she has a younger half-brother and that her father had an affair, so she escapes to her estranged grandfather’s house in Maine to learn more.

23 responses to “MORE Upcoming Books I’m Super Excited For

  1. THERE ARE SO MANY PRETTY COVERS IN THIS POST! I’m really excited for the new books from Leila Howland, Jennifer E. Smith & Julie Buxbaum. They all honestly sound right up my alley <3

  2. Al

    Had to add Spellbook of the Lost and Found and Zenn Diagram to my to-read list. I dig magical realism. And Literally sounds great, Stranger than Fiction is one of my favourite films!

  3. The one that sounds similar to Smith’s Windfall is Lucky in Love by Kasie West! I think they almost have the same concept but both sounds like fantastic reads.

    And I really looove posts like this. I’m a sucker for adding books to my TBR that don’t come out for yonks and I am desperate to get my hands on most of these. Great post!

  4. I’m also really excited for ONE OF US IS LYING, it just sounds amazing! There are so many books I didn’t know about, so thanks a lot for the recs! 🙂

  5. your posts about upcoming releases always excite me because i think we have pretty similar reading tastes. i just went and added every single book on this list because they all sound so good! i freaked out when i saw the sarah dessen book on your list! i knew she’d written a new book but had no idea that there’s already a date and cover for it! how exciting!!

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