Top Ten Tuesdays #162: Santa

Posted December 19, 2017 / Top 10 Tuesdays, Weekly Memes / 7 Comments

Nine Books I Hope Santa Brings

Top Ten Tuesdays are hosted by The Broke and the Bookish, where we make lists of our top ten books (or something else!) based on that week’s prompt. The topics are provided ahead of time and can be found here. Book links bring you to Goodreads or my review.

I didn’t ask for as many books as I usually might this Christmas! I also traditionally feature other things on my Christmas list, but I’m feeling a bit lazier this year. Here are some of the books on my wishlist (and some books I may buy with holiday gift cards!).

On my wishlist


Picture Perfect by Catherine Clark // Summer in the City by Elizabeth Chandler
Suite Dreams by Rachel Hawthorne

I have no real logical reason for requesting these books, except for how much I love old cheesy YA romances! I’ve read these authors before and sometimes they’re JUST what I’m in the mood for. I think they may have been on my list last year and I decided to keep them on? Either way, I look forward to reading these in one sitting after they inevitably appear under the tree.

Post-Christmas gift card buys

 The Chaos of Standing Still 

Foolish Hearts by Emma Mills // I love her books so much. It took a lot of willpower to hold off on buying this book, but I had a feeling that Amazon gift cards would be coming my way. I RESISTED.

The Chaos of Standing Still by Jessica Brody // I love the sound of this book so much that I don’t think I’ll be able to resist buying it, even though I’m trying to be a bit more careful about which books I purchase. I own a couple of her books and borrowed (and read) one that I mostly liked. We’ll see.

The Truth About Happily Ever After by Karole Cozzo // I am really drawn to this book and would be willing to take a gamble on buying it for some reason. I’ve seen minimal reviews (good ones though!). I like the idea of the MC working as Cinderella at a theme park! So fun.

Preorders using gift cards


Save the Date by Morgan Matson // Her books are auto-buys even if I don’t read them right away! This book doesn’t release until June but I will guarantee I’ll preorder it with Christmas money.

A Court of Frost and Starlight by Sarah J. Maas // I’ve lost a bit of love for this series/author over the past year but I don’t think I’ll be able to resist adding this one to my collection (and truthfully, reading it ASAP). If things don’t get better in the “series” (not sure what to call it at this point since it’s a novella) I will quit.

Obsidio by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff // Love this series so much! I have a hardcover ARC of the first book and got the second one from the library, sooo I’m not 100% sure I’ll actually buy this one (I’m picky about series being in the same format). I’ll be desperate for it though…

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