July TBR

Posted July 5, 2021 / Book Lists, Features, TBR Lists / 0 Comments

My monthly TBR feature here shows my progress based on last month’s TBR, my plans for this month, and anything else I might be thinking about from a reading perspective. Sometimes I feature a little poll at the bottom so you guys can help me figure out a certain title I should read from a group of books.

July TBR

I’m in terrible shape here y’all. I’m even further behind. I hope to read a few graphic novels this month to get slightly back on track. This TBR post is also late so I will cheat and include the book or two I’ve already read. I’m also ready to admit defeat on some of the books I keep carrying from month to month on my TBR, like INSTANT KARMA and MAJESTY. I want to focus on review copies for the next month or two because I somehow went wild on Netgalley and ended up with 10 more last month.

Currently Reading and Just Finished

 Rule of Wolves (King of Scars, #2) Coming Home to Seashell Harbor

Yes, RULE OF WOLVES is here. I put it on hold for a few weeks while I read another fantasy book because I don’t like reading two of the same genre at once. I do hope to do my “chapter a day until I finish” plan for this one beginning ASAP because I want it off my shelf. I started COMING HOME TO SEASHELL HARBOR right after finishing THE WOODS ARE ALWAYS WATCHING because I needed something contemporary right afterwards. That was a tough (but quick) read.

Physical/Owned Books

Arsenic and Adobo (Tita Rosie's Kitchen Mystery, #1) Donuts and Other Proclamations of Love Intuitive Eating: A Revolutionary Anti-Diet Approach

I got ARSENIC AND ADOBO in my recent BOTM package and it’s been sitting there! I’m excited to read it but I’ve been Kindle-addicted lately. I also got DONUTS AND OTHER PROCLAMATIONS OF LOVE from Laura (the author’s agent) and I’m so excited to finally have another book by Jared Reck in my hands! I also have been trying to get into the concept of eating intuitively instead of dieting (very sick of WW and calorie counting) so I hope to read INTUITIVE READING as soon as it comes in. It’s very much not a diet and more about listening to your body’s cues and cravings in a sensible, feel-good way. I think haha.

Review Copies
Already published:

The Invisible Husband of Frick Island The Road Trip Of Princes and Promises (St. Rosetta's Academy, #) Snapped (Playbook, #4) We Can't Keep Meeting Like This

THE INVISIBLE HUSBAND OF FRICK ISLAND, THE ROAD TRIP, OF PRINCES AND PROMISES, and WE CAN’T KEEP MEETING LIKE THIS are the remaining “already published” books from last month. I went ahead and deleted a few that I just don’t think I’ll prioritize in July. I will go back and get to them at some point but I hope being more intentional and realistic with my ARCs to pick from will help me actually read some. I’m randomly popping SNAPPED back on here because I would love to close out this series.


The Dating Playbook (The Boyfriend Project, #2) They'll Never Catch Us

I have a ton of books I’m excited about that are publishing at various points this year, and I usually love to get ahead on review copies, but I think I should focus on some “publishing soon” books instead. THE DATING PLAYBOOK comes in August and THEY’LL NEVER CATCH US is at the very end of July. Super excited for both so I know I’ll read them this month!

Scribd Audiobooks

One Last Stop All the Tides of Fate (All the Stars and Teeth, #2)

For me: I’ve been eagerly anticipating ONE LAST STOP and was hoping to get to it last month, but I got super addicted to some podcasts. I hope to get into it in the second half of this month maybe.

For book club: We spent 2020 avoiding reading books and did like two Zoom hangouts but now we’re back in business. We’re trying to catch up on all of the sequels we planned to read when they were released. ALL THE TIDES OF FATE is next up for us. I definitely need a refresher on book one!

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