My monthly TBR feature here shows my progress based on last month’s TBR, my plans for this month, and anything else I might be thinking about from a reading perspective. Sometimes I feature a little poll at the bottom so you guys can help me figure out a certain title I should read from a group of books.
April TBR
I had a very successful Netgalley March, where I read 5 total egalleys and got myself back up to 70%! I hope to keep on top of them and really limit my requests to only books by favorite authors. Let’s see how I balance everything in April with new releases and owned books as well.
I have a couple of holdovers from last month but am overall pleased with egalley progress, as I mentioned. I still need to read THE MAIN CHARACTER and CANADIAN BOYFRIEND this month, and I’m adding THE FINDERS KEEPERS LIBRARY and ONE LAST SUMMER to April’s TBR.
Preordered for April
I have THE REAPPEARANCE OF RACHEL PRICE preordered and can guarantee I’ll be reading it as soon as possible when it arrives. Same goes for FUNNY STORY, which comes out toward the end of the month. Should be a nice treat to get my reading back on track after a busy Disney trip, where I probably won’t read most of the days!
Owned / Physical Copies
I didn’t read a lot of owned books in March because I focused on egalleys, but still managed to cross off at least one from March’s TBR! I’m keeping THE SPLIT and FAEBOUND on here because I do hope to read them. I completely forgot THE PRISONER’S THRONE came out last month. I tried to read it but kept losing steam and forgetting what happened in the previous book, so I paused it. I plan to reread the first 10% and read it in April.
Possible Series Binges
I’ve enjoyed binge-reading some series recently and am thinking April could be a good month for it! I’m going to Disney and have some busy weekends, so maybe a series that really grips me and keeps me reading would be fun to attempt. THE PROGRAM is a reread I’ve been dying to do and VERONICA SPEEDWELL is a new-to-me series I’ve heard amazing things about.
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