Predicting My EOY Reading

Posted November 14, 2024 / Book Lists, Features, TBR Lists / 1 Comment

At the time of writing this post, I’ve read 87 books and am currently reading 3 books. That leaves just 10 books(!!!) between the second half of November and all of December to finish off my Goodreads challenge. If I’m being honest, there’s a good chance I’ll finish more books than this because I have five holiday novellas (plus two other super short/kind of novellas) to read in addition to other full-size books.

I thought it would be fun to predict the final ten books of the year if I had to guess, but also share the additional books I think I may realistically read beyond my reading challenge. I knew 100 books would be a challenge since I’ve kept my goal at 80 books the past couple of years. I’ve read some shorter books and novellas to get me over the hump so it would be nice if I can hit 105 or 110 books on the year.

Current Reads

I’m finishing up reading a cookbook (yes, I read them cover to cover) called WHAT TO COOK WHEN YOU DON’T FEEL LIKE COOKING. I have a Christmassy romance going on my Kindle from Libby called I’LL BE GONE FOR CHRISTMAS, which is super cute as of now. And finally, my physical read mixed with audiobook listening is ONLY IF YOU’RE LUCKY for my in-person book club. I forgot the meeting was already coming this Monday so I had to get going.

Holiday Novellas

Amazon released another novella series this year, so that will be the third set I read in 2024! There was a normal romance selection released on Valentines Day, a mystery selection, and now this holiday-themed romance selection. I do plan to read these as of now but not sure when. I’m taking the week of Christmas off from work so I hope to do a lot of reading then!

Both of these books are novellas or short books under 200ish pages and spinoffs of series I’ve already read. THE MISTLETOE MYSTERY is from The Maid series and SPECTACULAR is from the Caraval series. Both seem cute and worth the read!

More Holiday Reads

I have the first two of these out from the library – one on my Kindle (CHRISTMAS ALL AROUND) and the other physical copy (CHRISTMAS CRIMES AT THE MYSTERIOUS BOOKSHOP). I know I’ll be reading THE MOST WONDERFUL CRIME OF THE YEAR next month for sure because it’s my mystery/thriller book club pick.

Bonus Potential Reads

And a few random ones I hope to read, since otherwise I may burn out on holiday romances and mysteries! SOCIETY OF LIES is a new release I’m curious about. The other two books here I actually started this year and put on hold. CLOSELY HARBORED SECRETS is the next in a cozy mystery series with a Halloween-esque theme so I was hoping to read it last month, forgot, started it last week, then had to pause it because I forgot about my book club read. THE PRISONER’S THRONE is in my favorite series and I started it when it came out… but had completely forgotten what happened in the previous book. I figured I’d read it in the winter/fall when I’m in the mood for fantasy but honestly that hasn’t happened lol.

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