Top Ten Tuesdays #463: TBR Additions

Posted January 21, 2025 / Goals & Planning, Personal / Information / Etc., Top 10 Tuesdays, Weekly Memes / 3 Comments

10 Recent Books Added to
My TBR: Physical and Digital

Top Ten Tuesdays were started by The Broke and the Bookish and are now hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl, where we make lists of our top ten books (or something else!) based on that week’s prompt. The topics are provided ahead of time and can be found here. Book links bring you to Goodreads or my review.

This prompt is to share the 10 most recent additions to your TBR. I decided to split this out and share the five books I most recently added to my physical TBR, then the five books I added to read on Goodreads/Storygraph. Here we go!

5 New Physical Books Acquired

I preordered BEG, BORROW, OR STEAL by buying tickets to the Sarah Adams discussion and book signing up in Portland, ME. I knew my sister would want to go since she lives in Maine and I try to go up there as often as humanly possible haha. It was a fun event! While at the Books-a-Million store, I decided to pick up a copy of HEARTLESS HUNTER kind of randomly. Everyone is reading this and loving it. I also realized that it’s on Kindle Unlimited, so I’m a little annoyed I bought it lol. I’m trying to be in my fantasy era this year so hopefully I’ll just read it using both formats.

My January BOTM arrived recently so those are the other two books I recently acquired. I picked THE FAVORITES because everyone keeps talking about it. I do plan to mix in the audiobook because I’ve heard incredible things about it and its full cast of narrators. I also got A KILLING COLD because Kate Alice Marshall is one of those authors I am determined to finally read this year. I now own like all of her books and still haven’t read one…

And last but not least – today is the release day of ONYX STORM. I did end up preordering this one. Yes, I kind of hate these books but they’re addicting and I’m enjoying being a part of the hype when everyone reads a book at the same time again. No photo yet since it’s probably arriving a few hours after this post goes live.

5 New to the TBR List

ALL THE WATER IN THE WORLD was on my radar due to some of the comp titles but I was on the fence until I saw a lot of positive reviews. I’m very behind on Kasie West books at this point so I added her newest release BETTER THAN REVENGE to hopefully get back into them. I finally decided to enter my Brando Sando era as I get into my fantasy mood this year, so the plan is to read TRESS and then probably get into MISTBORN?? IDK!

Royal Heirs Academy by Lindsey Duga What Happened to the McCrays? by Tracey Lange

I randomly saw ROYAL HEIRS ACADEMY the other day and added it – it sounds like a gossipy, rich and royal-filled boarding school book. I hope it’s as amazing as I want it to be. And lastly, I added WHAT HAPPENED TO THE MCCRAYS? for the same reasons as the first book in this section: I saw it around, debated adding it, then finally did when good reviews started rolling in.

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