Category: WWW Wednesdays

WWW Wednesdays #5

Posted August 20, 2014 / Weekly Memes, WWW Wednesdays / 5 Comments
WWW Wednesdays #5

  My current audiobook is The Strange and Beautiful Sorrows of Ava Lavender by Leslye Walton. This book sounded interesting and got some good reviews from other people, so when I saw it was on sale for audiobook I decided to give it a shot. I’m only a few minutest in at this point, but I’m not the biggest fan of the narrator’s voice. The current book I’m physically reading is The Heiresses by Sara Shepard. I’m not sure how it took me this long to pick this book up, but so far I really like it. I’m still a fan of the Pretty Little Liars series and this book seems moderately similar. That can be a good or bad thing – we’ll see! I’m only 100 pages in and started last night. I have finished a grand total of 7 books in the past week! That makes me confident that I’ll be able to finish that many this week for my Bout of Books challenge/goal. For audiobooks, I finished All Our Yesterdays by Cristin Terrill [review] last week, Ajax Penubra 1969 by Robin Sloan [review] and Love Letters to the Dead by Ava Dellaira this morning. Driving 2.5 hours to Maine and back definitely helped me crank through the audiobook. I finished up The Distance Between Us by Kasie West [review] and Isa and the Happily Ever After by Stephanie Perkins [review] last week before Bout of Books. When I was in Maine, I finished a book per day, with Boomerang by Noelle August on Monday […]

WWW Wednesdays #4

Posted August 13, 2014 / Weekly Memes, WWW Wednesdays / 3 Comments
WWW Wednesdays #4

What are you currently reading? I just started The Distance Between Us by Kasie West last night. I’ve had my eye on this one for a long time and people seem to really enjoy her books. I read a third of it already last night in one sitting. It was addicting – short chapters, interesting characters, fast-moving plot. I love Caymen’s dry sense of humor and am very interested to see where this one goes. So far, so good! I’m also about 90% done with my audiobook of All Our Yesterdays by Cristin Terrill. Things are coming together and I’m really curious about how everything is going to turn out… This has been an awesome book where the author slowly divulges information about what’s happening. It’s been great to listen to – my first really good audiobook experience! What did you recently finish reading? I’ve finished a few since last week. I read both If I Stay and Where She Went by Gayle Forman. I definitely enjoyed both of them a lot, but there was a little too much hype. I was prepared for an absolutely amazing tearjerker and really just found a well-written and interesting book. I think I enjoyed Where She Went a little bit more because it was different than the first one. I liked hearing Adam’s side of things and seeing how they both grew up. In between those two, I finished Lola and the Boy Next Door for the Isla Is Coming readalong! Such a cute book, just like Anna and the French […]

WWW Wednesdays #3

Posted August 6, 2014 / Weekly Memes, WWW Wednesdays / 3 Comments
WWW Wednesdays #3

What are you currently reading? I just started If I Stay by Gayle Forman last night. It’s been sitting in my office for a few weeks since my coworker let me borrow it. I’ve been caught up in the Isla is Coming readalong and the two ARCS I wanted to review, so it’s been hanging out on my windowsill for a while. From what I’ve gathered, it’s a pretty quick read. The Lola readalong starts tomorrow, so I hope I finish If I Stay by the weekend to keep on pace with everything! So many books, too little time. I’m also so close to being done with my Since You’ve Been Gone (Morgan Matson) audiobook. I’m too cheap to buy another one so I’ll be anxiously awaiting the arrival of my next Audible credit. What did you recently finish reading? I just finished Aspen by Rebekah Crane yesterday. That book totally exceeded my expectations. Before that, I finished my other ARC, Can’t Look Away by Donna Cooner. I expected to like that one more than Aspen, but it was a little more predictable than I was hoping. I liked that both books were really unique and featured topics and characters unlike other books I’ve ever read. I’d highly recommend them both! What do you think you’ll read next? Besides Lola and the Boy Next Door for the readalong, I’ll probably read Where She Went by Gayle Forman (assuming I like If I Stay!) Everyone loved it, so I’m sure I will too, but […]

WWW Wednesdays #2

Posted July 30, 2014 / Weekly Memes, WWW Wednesdays / 27 Comments
WWW Wednesdays #2

What are you currently reading? I am currently reading Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn. Took me long enough, right? I got this book from my dad for Christmas but it’s been sitting on my shelf since then. It’s not the type of book I’d usually read, but two separate people with similar reading tastes to mine told me I need to read it NOW. So, I finally decided to take their advice. I’m only a few pages in but it seems interesting so far. I’m also currently listening to Since You’ve Been Gone by Morgan Matson. I’m not a big fan of audiobooks, but I got two free Audible credits that I want to use. Free books, right?! I love being able to listen before bed, in the tub, or while I’m driving, but I don’t like listening to narrators. Their voices somehow ruin my perception of the book in a way I can’t explain. Regardless, the narrator for this one isn’t too bad and I’m enjoying the book so far. What did you recently finish reading? I just finished September Girls by Bennett Madison – FINALLY. This book took way too long for me to read. I just couldn’t get into it. Click the title for my full review if you’d like; it definitely wasn’t a favorable one! What do you think you’ll read next? This is a tough one! There are so many books in my physical bookshelves as well as on my Goodreads TBR shelf. I’m trying to […]

WWW Wednesday #1

Posted July 23, 2014 / Weekly Memes, WWW Wednesdays / 7 Comments
WWW Wednesday #1

What are you currently reading? I am currently reading September Girls by Bennett Madison. I’ve heard a lot of mixed reviews on this book, so I’m really interested to see what my opinion ends up being. Most Goodreads reviewers hated it, while apparently critics love it. The book is about a boy who goes to a beach town with his family for the summer and discovers that the town is full of beautiful blonde girls. He begins to figure out the mystery of the girls (a mystery that I ruined for myself by reading someone’s bookshelf tag on Goodreads). What did you recently finish reading? I binge-read the entire Shadowlands trilogy by Kate Brian over the past few days. The third book, Endless, was released yesterday and I finished it within a few hours. That series was a total pageturner for me; once I started I seriously could not stop. What do you think you’ll read next? Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn has been on my bookshelf for months. People keep urging me to read it, so I think I’ll finally read that one next. It’s not my type of book normally; it seems a little to scary for me to read before bed. I’ll have to utilize all this spare daylight time in the office while my boss is out of town!