What are you currently reading?
I am currently reading Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn. Took me long enough, right? I got this book from my dad for Christmas but it’s been sitting on my shelf since then. It’s not the type of book I’d usually read, but two separate people with similar reading tastes to mine told me I need to read it NOW. So, I finally decided to take their advice. I’m only a few pages in but it seems interesting so far. I’m also currently listening to Since You’ve Been Gone by Morgan Matson. I’m not a big fan of audiobooks, but I got two free Audible credits that I want to use. Free books, right?! I love being able to listen before bed, in the tub, or while I’m driving, but I don’t like listening to narrators. Their voices somehow ruin my perception of the book in a way I can’t explain. Regardless, the narrator for this one isn’t too bad and I’m enjoying the book so far.
What did you recently finish reading?
I just finished September Girls by Bennett Madison – FINALLY. This book took way too long for me to read. I just couldn’t get into it. Click the title for my full review if you’d like; it definitely wasn’t a favorable one!
What do you think you’ll read next?
This is a tough one! There are so many books in my physical bookshelves as well as on my Goodreads TBR shelf. I’m trying to save some money lately, so I think I’ll end up reading one I already have next. I’m thinking it’ll be time for me to finally finish the Private series by Kate Brian. That could change though — too many books, too little time!
I read gone girl last week and all I can say without any spoilers at all is : Oh. My. God.
Haha! Everybody wants to talk with me about the book but you really can’t without giving anything away. I’ve heard people either loved or hated the end. Can’t wait to see what happens
You really can’t like…I started out thinking “ugh i hate these characters” so if you feel the same way about them and it puts you off, hang in there because PLOT TWISTS EVERYWHERE.
That’s what I’m hoping!! I guess people were more like “yes the ending fits” or “no I hate it” haha.
So far I definitely want to punch Nick, and Amy seems a little off…but I’m only 50 pages in. The book is sitting on my desk waiting to be read but I REALLY should get some work done today lol
I hated both of them for various reasons. Got to halfway and went “WHOA WHUT” lol! It’s brilliantly done!!
I like the ending actually, it fits with the rest of the book. I’m dreading but intrigued to see how she changes it for the film!
That’s one of the main reasons I wanted to finally read this one – so I can go see the movie and hope they didn’t mess it up too much! I’m almost always disappointed when books become movies.
Ikr, I’m really excited for the movie now, which shocks me becasse I’m not one for “Crime” books, thrillers kind of but not “Crime”.
I definitely want to read more of her work because I am seriously impressed @.@
So true!! I normally stay away from crime books too, and even thrillers sometimes.. I tend to get spooked easily (especially at night) so I typically avoid them. I’ve heard this one isn’t really creepy/scary- just suspenseful- so I’m not too worried. But otherwise I can be a big baby when it comes to books.
I can already tell I’m going to want to read her other books too!
haha it falls under “crime” I guess because of what it is. I stay away from crime fiction as a rule cos I find that for me, it reads too slow. It works better on a screen like crime dramas- but this just…oh man. I hope you like it!
I’ve heard a lot about Gone Girl. I might have to give it a try soon. I wish I had more time..lol Happy reading. Here is my WWW http://cynthiastacey.com/2014/07/30/www-wednesdays-july-30/
The Gone Girl hype is definitely what finally got to me! I’ve gotta say it’s very addicting so far.
I seriously will never have enough time to read all of the books I want to read… I hope you enjoy Gone Girl! My library owns no Morgan Matson books and it drives me crazy. I’ve never read anything by her, so unless I find ’em at the Goodwill, I don’t know when I’ll get to one of her books. I look forward to reading what you think of them though!
Thanks! So far I’m really enjoying both Gone Girl and Since You’ve Been Gone. Morgan Matson is great – that’s a shame. Do you have interlibrary loan there? Maybe they can request one from another library.
We do, but it costs a dollar every book that you request. Our library system here is seriously the worst. :/ and they closed up the only used bookstore we had in town. I go to Goodwill and find things occasionally, but it’s really hit or miss.
Yikes! That’s awful 🙁
Isn’t it though… it’s the worst. :/
i felt the same before i read gone girl and now i’m in love with gillian flynn style of writing, you’re going to love it. happy readings
here’s my www http://secretninjamovie.wordpress.com/2014/07/30/www-wednesday-july-30/
So far it’s SO addicting. Love her writing style! It’s been a pleasant surprise.
I really liked Gone Girl! I hope you continue to enjoy it.
Currently reading (while I should be working)… so addicting!
It’s never too late to read a great book, as long as no one has spoiled it for you. Hope you “enjoy.” My books are here: http://alenaslife.wordpress.com/2014/07/30/w-w-w-wednesday-books-read-reading-and-to-read-2/
I really liked Gone Girl. I’ll be interested to see how the upcoming movie version compares!
I’ve still yet to read Gone Girl. Maybe one of these days… Since You’ve Been Gone was really good though!
Happy reading!
My W… W… W…
I’m enjoying both quite a bit! It’s nice because they’re so different from each other. I can focus on either one depending on my mood
I have been wanting to read Gone Girl for so long. I just can’t bring myself to buy it new so I keep waiting to pick it up at my used bookstore nearby.
I’ve been addicted since I started! I’m shocked at how much I enjoy it haa