Musing Mondays offer six different topics to choose from to focus on each week. You choose which of the six is most appealing to you that week and run with it! Or, you can muse about anything book-related. Here’s what I chose to respond to this week for my first Musing Monday.
Describe one of your reading habits.
I’ve talked about this one before quite a bit, but I’ll reiterate. One of my reading habits is that I alternate between e-books and hard copy books. I can’t part with “real” books that easily. I love the convenience of my Kindle and being able to read in the dark, but there’s no better feeling than opening up a paperback and reading. I am trying to read through my extensive collection of books before buying more – but obviously that’s easier said than done. My mom bought me a Kindle for my birthday right before college, but I wasn’t able to use it much during the school year. I found it difficult to balance college studies/reading with personal reading. During the summers and lunch breaks at my internship, I would read as much as possible! I loved my first Kindle very much and it still has some books on it I have yet to read. This past Christmas, my boyfriend got me the new Paperwhite version because I desperately wanted to have a backlight. I love my new Kindle but definitely miss the keyboard and real keys (instead of the touch screen) at times. Once I finish a book on my Kindle, I try to read a hard copy book next.
Do you read on an e-reader? Or do you prefer regular, hard copy books? Or both, like me?
It’s very easy to miss ‘real’ books but I love how many cool things Kindles can do. It’s great that ebooks and physical books are handy for different things and different types of reading.
I know! I come to miss my kindle when I’m not reading with it as much. I’ve been trying to save money and read some existing hard copy books I have, but I love the convenience (and size- to keep in my purse) of the kindle!