Top Ten Tuesdays #38: Never Read

Posted May 5, 2015 / Top 10 Tuesdays, Weekly Memes / 20 Comments

top 10 tues watercolorTop 10 Books I’ll Probably Never Read

Top Ten Tuesdays are hosted by The Broke and the Bookish, where we make lists of our top ten books based on that week’s prompt… and then we stalk other people’s answers to add a million books to our TBR. The topics are provided ahead of time and can be found here. Links go to Goodreads or my review.

I feel like I’ve done a topic like this already, but I can’t think of it right now. There are a LOT of books I’ll probably never read, so I decided to go by some of the earliest books I added to my TBR on Goodreads. Most of these will probably never be read for a variety of reasons. Here ya go!

never read

20 responses to “Top Ten Tuesdays #38: Never Read

  1. I agree with a lot of these, esp Nicholas Sparks. I read Hitchhikers Guide though and it was actually pretty good! More surreal and comic than Sci-Fi (in my opinion anyhow!)

    P.S. I love your blog design!

  2. I’ve heard The Host is really good too, but haven’t picked it up yet. Hitchhiker made my list today – I’m good with some sci-fi but this has a strange sense of humour too and it didn’t work for me. I ADORED Time Traveller’s Wife though, and thought the movie adaptation was really good, even if it destroyed my soul. Girl With The Dragon tattoo made my list today too. I just couldn’t. I LOVE The Mortal Instruments though, definitely one of my favourite series ever!! R x

  3. I’ve read two of the books on your list! The Host, that I thought was good but I can understand why some people aren’t really interested in it, and…. The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo and I loved it omg! I’m kinda surprised that you don’t want to read it but yeah thinking about it makes me realize it’s not everyone’s cup of tea, lol

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  4. I’m so bummed. I got way too busy and forgot to do TTT, and this is one of the topics that I loved. I’m sure I would have ticked off a lot of people with my choices, so I’m relieved that I missed it.

    I haven’t finished anything by Meyer, but my sister (who loved the Twilight books) wasn’t interested in The Host either.

    I will never read TMI. I bought a box set of them at one point, and started the first one, but NOPE. Not for me. I sold them (for more than I paid) to the same store later that week.

    I loved The Time Traveler’s Wife! I actually wrote an academic paper on it for my Lit. Crit. class because I just couldn’t get enough of it.

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