Top Ten Tuesdays #1: Most Owned Authors

Posted July 29, 2014 / Top 10 Tuesdays, Weekly Memes / 4 Comments

top 10 tuesday

Some of my numbers may be a bit off, since 3/4 of my books are still at my parents’ house, the rest are at my apartment, and none are currently with me at work. Regardless, here are the 10 authors I own the most books from!



2014-07-29 11.44.22The Gossip Girl series, including the Carlyles mini-series/spinoff, and Cum Laude (which I haven’t read yet due to fairly bad reviews)




2014-07-29 11.57.57

The Private series, the spinoff Privilege series, Shadowlands trilogy, Sweet 16, and Megan Meade’s Guide to the McGowan Boys (haven’t read yet)




2014-07-29 11.52.05The Clique series and the summer character-based books





2014-07-29 12.02.34The Pretty Little Liars series (I am dying to get my hands on her two newest books ASAP, and still waiting for the final PLL book to be released at the end of the year!)




2014-07-29 12.07.51I went through my Goodreads and counted the books I own by her (I hope I counted correctly)… I’ve probably only read half of the books I own




2014-07-29 11.54.16Is this even a picture of her? This is the only one I saw online. Regardless, I have the A-List series and the A-List Hollywood Royalty spinoff series




2014-07-29 12.00.28Series of Unfortunate Events!





2014-07-29 12.10.25This is another one I’m not 100% which books I own by her. I’ve read almost all of her books but don’t own all of them. This is an educated guess based on my Goodreads




2014-07-29 11.47.37I don’t even know the last time I read a book by him, but I have a decent amount of his books hiding somewhere. This is another educated guess from Goodreads




2014-07-29 12.04.51The queen herself! This goes without saying – Harry Potter series

4 responses to “Top Ten Tuesdays #1: Most Owned Authors

  1. I love the way you listed these with the icons. So cute! J.K. Rowling (and George R. R. Martin) really should have made it onto my list, but I don’t have those physically in my home, and they’re co-owned. My sister and I have joint ownership over HP books 1-4 (I have custody of 5, 6 and 7 because they’re my favorites) and my best friend and I have joint ownership of all of the ASOIAF books, but he has possession of the first 4, and I have the 5th…mainly because I’m the one who has shelf space for a gigantic hardcover, and he can carry around the paperbacks in his back pocket 😀

    • Haha I understand!!
      My parents technically have all of my Harry Potter books, since they read them after me (and I’m embarrassed to say haven’t read them more than once!)… but I still count them as my books 🙂

  2. Sarah Dessen and J.K. Rowling are both on my list. I’ve read books from most all of these authors, and I actually really love a lot of these authors, I’ve just never had the chance to stockpile on their books. Love your list!

    • Thanks! I have a tendency of always buying and keeping books (instead of borrowing them), so my stockpile is way too big….considering that I don’t like rereading books either haha

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