I’m doing two prompts for this week’s Musing Mondays because I feel like my “currently reading” response will lead into a rambling about something else! I barely started this book; it just sparked some thoughts.
“Tell us what you’re reading right now — what you think of it, so far; why you chose it; what you are (or, aren’t) enjoying it” combined with “Instead of the above questions, maybe you just want to ramble on about something else pertaining to books — let’s hear it, then!”
I just started reading Aspen by Rebekah Crane (click on the cover for the Goodreads page; thanks In This Together Media for the e-arc!). I’m actually only a few pages in at this point so I can’t answer much for the first question. I like it so far; the main character seems really interesting/different. The concept of the plot really intrigued me, so it was a nice bonus that I was able to immediately get the e-book for this one. Quick summary: Aspen is involved in an accident that kills a popular girl at her school. The ghost of Katelyn follows her around through her senior year. Lately, I’ve been really interested in paranormal (or semi-paranormal) books that deal with death and the afterlife. Some recent books that dealt with this issue were Can’t Look Away and Before I Fall (click the links to see my reviews – both books were great reads). I’m not sure where this morbid interest came from, but I’ve been finding that a lot of books touch on this topic. I think part of it is that as I get older, more people close to me are passing away. My dad always says how crazy it is how many funerals he attends each year – and it only gets worse. Books dealing with the afterlife have been on my mind because I think reading about other people’s experiences make it a little easier to deal with your own, when the time comes. Thinking of an afterlife that’s special or happy is a much better alternative than being perpetually sad that the person is no longer there. It may help, but it doesn’t completely take away the pain.
Anyways, has any one else noticed that there are a lot more books (paranormal or not) dealing with death/afterlife? Send some recommendations my way! I’m really excited to read My Last Kiss, which falls in this category.
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