30 Day Book Challenge – Day 4

Posted August 4, 2014 / Book Challenges, Features / 2 Comments

Worst Film Adaptation Of A Book

10917My Sister’s Keeper by Jodi Picoult

Oh goodness. Both the book and movie versions made me cry like a crazy person. However, I was definitely not okay with the film adaptation of this at all. Throughout the movie, I picked up on little changes here and there that diverted from the book’s plot. Granted, I had read the book years earlier and didn’t remember too much, but I still could tell it was different. The biggest issue of all was the effing ENDING! What was that?? How can you make a movie based on a book and give it a completely different ending?! I don’t want to spoil anything here, in case you haven’t read it or seen it, but seriously that was ridiculous. Here’s the Wikipedia page that lists the changes (including the major ending change – so beware of spoilers!) Even Jodi Picoult was adamant that they not change the ending, but it was done anyways. How do directors/producers/writers get away with that?! If someone was making a movie of my book, I’d be on set every day hooting and hollering and ensuring the plot stayed intact.

2 responses to “30 Day Book Challenge – Day 4

  1. I could not agree with you more. I only read My Sister’s Keeper, because the movie was coming out and I was so mad when it didn’t match up. The ending was so ridiculous, I had to force myself not to walk out. I felt by changing it they ruined the excitement and mystery of the book. This book is what started my love of Picoult novels; I have read all of them and can’t wait for the new one coming this fall!

    • you sum up my thoughts exactly! I haven’t read all of her books yet but I own almost all of them. I’ve been on a young adult kick lately but I plan to get back into hers soon because I miss her writing style! So good 🙂

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