Bookmark Lit Bulletin: Mid-September 2014

Posted September 15, 2014 / Bookmark Lit Bulletin, Features, Wrap-Ups / 7 Comments

bookmarklit bulletin

Hello friends! It’s time for September’s first Bookmark Lit Bulletin. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again – the first half of this month has been absolutely crazy for me. It consisted of a lot of packing, moving into our new apartment, my birthday, and my college alumni weekend (check out my personal post from my birthday with some more details!). Without further ado, here’s what I’ve been up to and where I’m headed next! bookish thoughtsI wish I could say I read a lot during this month. August was INSANE book-wise for me; I read 20 books – this is definitely a record! Many thanks to Bout of Books for really getting me going. I definitely enjoyed most of them, with a few exceptions. The first half of September has involved very little reading. I finished a few books immediately at the beginning of the month, but lately I’ve had a bit of a rut. I just haven’t had a lot of time to read. I also think I’ve been reading too many contemporaries; I need to switch my genre up soon so I can have something a little different. I’ve posted seven reviews so far this month.

non bookish thoughtsOn a personal note, as I said earlier, lots of personal updates this month! I turned 23 on the 9th and had a good time celebrating with my boyfriend and friends. My celebrations will continue into the weekend as I head back to my alma mater for a couple of days. We moved into a much nicer and newer apartment with a perfect patio for reading, a washer/dryer included in the unit, and a hell of a lot more space — so much space that we have some empty spots throughout the apartment that I continue to be shocked by. We’re not used to extra space; between my boyfriend and I, I don’t even want to think about how many pairs of shoes or clothes we own. It’s a bit excessive. We’re still settling in but have been enjoying it so much so far. I just need some good patio furniture next so I can enjoy what’s left of the warm(er) weather! I finally set up my bookshelf on Sunday and was able to fit everything I currently have on it. I have so many more books at my parents’ houses but luckily those can stay put for now.

reviews features



  • Goodbye Summer Readathon – Started on August 27th and finished today. I created this readathon with the goal of reading books (with summery plotlines) before the season comes to an end. [More info]
  • Swoony September – I joined in to focus on reading some swoony contemporary YA for the month of September. After I finish out the month, I’ll definitely be ready for some other genres! [More info]

Guest Posts

  • Upcoming participation in a genre-themed week over at another blog – I’ll be writing a guest post for a certain book! (Talk about giving as few details as possible, eh?) Stay tuned!

whats next

I really hope to get back into reading a little more after this weekend. Once the craziness has died down, I’m sure I’ll have some more time. I am definitely ready to start reading some more paranormal, sci-fi, and time travel/parallel universe books. There have been SO many on my TBR that keep getting pushed off. Because I’ve been trying to read my summer-themed books, as well as the swoon-worthy romances for September, anything out of that genre has been pushed aside. You’ll definitely see more focus on some new genres in the coming weeks!
bookish goals

  • Read ALL of the books on my Goodbye Summer and Swoony September TBR lists (even if it takes me into October)
  • Get going on more paranormal/fantasy/etc. books
  • Read more books from my shelves! I have to start a book buying ban very soon (or put some heavy restrictions on myself)
  • Finish the Private series!!!! (I better get on this goal from last month. Yikes)

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