WWW Wednesdays #9

Posted September 17, 2014 / Weekly Memes, WWW Wednesdays / 2 Comments

www wednesday

currently reading

Second Chance Summer

I’m still working on Second Chance Summer by Morgan Maston. It’s a long book that I’m really enjoying, but I just haven’t had enough time to read. I’m about 2/3 of the way through. I am definitely planning on finishing by the weekend! This book is really great so far. I absolutely love the characters, learning about their lives, and seeing Taylor get back into her routine with friends and family. I do have a feeling it’s going to make me cry, though…  I am not sure what audiobook I’m going to work on next, because I just finished Breathe, Annie, Breathe by Miranda Kenneally literally twenty minutes ago. So as of right now, I’m not listening to anything!

finish reading

16081202Breathe, Annie, BreatheSince last week, I’ve only finished two audiobooks. The only time I’ve really been able to “read” is while getting ready in the morning or driving to work. I loved both of these ones! I highly recommend them. Open Road Summer was a great debut from Emery Lord. Breathe, Annie, Breathe was a book I wasn’t really interested in reading when I saw it come out. Everyone had written glowing reviews and saw it on sale on Audible, so I decided to give it a shot. So, so glad I did!

read next

Damsel DistressedTrial by Fire (Worldwalker, #1)I have two ARCs I need to get done ASAP! I’m a part of the Damsel Distressed (by Kelsey Macke) ARC tour, so I have a week to read it once I receive it. It should be arriving today or tomorrow and I’m so excited! Isn’t that cover so effing cool? Also, last week I randomly got Trial By Fire by Josephine Angelini in the mail and I could not be more thrilled. This has been high on my list and everyone seems to love this book so far. I’m mostly just excited that I can step away from the traditional contemporary YA that I’ve been reading this month and get into something a little different. Damsel Distressed is a retelling on Cinderella – except this time, it’s about the stepsisters! Trial by Fire is a multi-universe story about witches…can’t wait!!

2014-08-02 22.50.11

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