What are your top three book hates?
- Folding down page corners / dog-earring
- Folding the book in half so the cover gets all bent (I wish I had a dollar for every time I scolded friends who did this to MY books I lent them)
- People who shame others for reading YA when you’re not technically in the “age group” — read what makes you happy!!
Describe your perfect reading spot.
I’ve shared my 10 favorite places to read in the past, but I think my overall ideal reading location would be somewhere outside in the shade with lots of pillows and blankets, a perfect temperature outside, with a coffee (or a margarita! or a beer!) next to me.
Tell us three book confessions.
- I hate cover reveal posts on blogs. I’m sorry! I’m just sick of seeing the same cover over and over again. If you post more promotional things than reviews, I just don’t see the point.. If it’s your most anticipated read of the coming year and you’re excited about the cover, that’s perfect, but otherwise I’ll skip right by that in my feed.
- I think I’m starting to prefer my Kindle to real books. I know, I know. I really do love the feeling of holding a REAL book in my hands, but it’s so much easier to hold a Kindle. Plus I can read in the dark!
- I went through a book dry spell for quite a few years. College was just not conducive to reading for me, unfortunately. Now, I’ve read more books in the past five months than I’ve probably read in 2010-2013 combined.
When was the last time you cried during a book?
Literally this week. At my desk. At work….. Second Chance Summer slayed me.
How many books are on your bedside table?
I have one book in my purse (whichever book I’m currently reading, or my Kindle if that’s where the book is). Otherwise, I have my two Kindles and two library books on my bedside table at this very moment.
What is your favorite snack to eat while you are reading?
Honestly I don’t really like to eat while reading. Coffee is my absolute go-to, especially if I’m reading in bed in the morning. I can read and eat if I’m using my Kindle, but otherwise I don’t really do it. Something I can easily eat with my hands that isn’t messy!
Name three books you would recommend to anyone.
- Second Chance Summer by Morgan Matson – so many family, first love, best friend feels all rolled into one.
- The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chobsky – super classic for me.
- Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn – anyone who doesn’t get COMPLETELY addicted and drawn into this book is crazy!
Show us a picture of your favorite shelf on your bookcase.
I just put up my new bookshelf so here’s the whole thing (bottom of post). Most of my books are still at my parents’ houses. Sorry for all of the pictures blocking the books… We haven’t found a home for the pictures of us yet in our new apartment!
Write what books mean to you in three words.
- Escape – books are a great way to escape from your own problems or escape into a new fantastical world
- Connect – they’re a great way to connect to other bloggers, readers, and authors; being in the book blogging world has made my life so much more exciting and full of (sometimes free!) books I normally wouldn’t get around to reading
- Necessary – not being in the middle of a book feels so wrong; I can’t believe I was able to go so long without reading during my college years… books are a necessary part of life at this point!
What is your biggest reading secret?
I rarely take notes when I read, even though I will definitely regret it when I write my review! I hate being distracted by the idea of writing something down; it makes it feel like homework instead of fun. Sometimes I’ll jot a note down in my phone or save it into the review’s draft on WordPress… That only happens if I don’t think I’ll remember it, or if I worded something so perfectly that I don’t want to forget it.
[…] this post was inspired by Lauren from Bookmark Lit. You can check it out here! Let’s get to the […]
I just did this tag on my blog (inspired by you!). This was definitely a fun tag. Thanks for sharing. 😉
Agreed! I’ll head over and check yours out 🙂