I’m a dummy and didn’t realize Cristina had tagged me for this… like, months ago. Without further ado, here’s the delicious tag that’s making me tempted to get Chipotle for dinner tonight..
Created by Girl in the Pages and Thoughts and Afterthoughts
Links go to my review or Goodreads, depending!
RICE | The Foundation – The bo
ok that got you into book blogging or reading
Before I Fall by Lauren Oliver was the book I read that got me into book blogging. I was googling it after I finished and wanted to see what other people thought of it. I had been using Goodreads on and off since 2010 (since my reading was really spotty from 2009-2013), but never realized that peple actually blog about books. When I saw a few blogs about the book, I thought it would be a really cool idea. I had no idea what it would lead me into!
BEANS| The Filler – The book with a whole lot of nothing going on
The Strange and Beautiful Sorrows of Ava Lavender by Leslye Walton was the worst. It didn’t work for me at all and I was so bored throughout. The story followed a few generations in this family and Ava Lavender wasn’t even introduced until about halfway through. A lot of awful things happen to this family, but I felt like there was really nothing actually happening plotwise. It was a sad history, just listed out in chronological order. UGH. I cannot believe I didn’t just DNF this book. Being bored during a book definitely makes me feel like nothing was going on, even though the book took place over the course of, like, a million years.
PROTEIN | The Building Block – A book quote to live by
Landline by Rainbow Rowell had a lot of wonderful quotes about relationships! The book/story itself wasn’t my favorite, but I would read it again just to jot down a million notes. One of my favorites (in this book and in general) is:
Nobody’s lives just fit together. Fitting together is something you work at. It’s something you make happen – because you love each other… It’s more like you meet someone, and you fall in love, and you hope that person is the one and then at some point, you have to put down your chips. You just have to make a commitment and hope you’re right.
FAJITAS | The Crunch of Texture – A book with immaculate world-building
Trial by Fire by Josephine Angelini had some of the best world-building I’ve read. I’m kind of picky about it, generally, because I like there to be a good mix of describing the world and action. The first book in this series did a lot of work to set up the world, paint the picture, and explain what will happen next. The two different Salems were so unique and I really felt like, despite all of the scientific stuff, I really understood the system of magic. I could not be more excited to read Firewalker immediately when it enters my hands.
SALSA | The Dance of Flavor – A book that kept you on your toes
Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn was the first book to enter my mind. I was kind of hesistant to read this one for a while, because I’m usually not a thriller reader. Any books that are too creepy usually don’t make it onto my TBR. My friends kept pushing me to read this one, and I’m soooo glad I did. It really kept me on my toes! I felt like something insane happened during every single chapter of this book… and I loved every second of it.
CORN| The Explosion of Sweetness – A memorable scene with friendship or romance
Emmy & Oliver by Robin Benway had such a glorious mix of memorable friendship and romance – usually rolled into one! Emmy and Oliver were childhood best friends and their eventual reunion was so perfect. I loved all of the memories and all of the swoon. Best friends starting to date makes me so happy. Her friends, Caro and Drew, were also excellent. This book had such a perfect blend of everything I want in a story. I can’t pick a single scene, so I’ll just cheat and say the entire book. Sorry, not sorry.

CHEESE | The Bond of Calcium – Two characters from two different books you wish could be friends
Caymen from The Distance Between Us by Kasie West and Grace from All Fall Down by Ally Carter could definitely be friends. I’m pretty bad at remembering bookish details, but I know that Caymen and Grace were both incredibly funny and sarcastic. Those are my two favorite qualities in a person, and I think these two would hit it off.
SOUR CREAM | The Tangy Topper – The quirkiest character you’ve ever read (protagonist or supporting)
Audrey, Wait! by Robin Benway definitely had two quirky characters. Audrey and her best friend, Victoria, were very funny together and were such a perfect pair. I think “quirky” is a good word to describe them! Victoria pushed Audrey to take advantage of her newfound fame a little bit more, and she was just a really fun character.
GUACAMOLE | The Cost of Creaminess – A book you paid too much for
Yes Please by Amy Poehler – DON’T GET ME WRONG, I loved this book! Love love LOVED it. It’s the only one I can think of that I probably paid “too much” for. I went out the day it came out and bought it from Barnes & Noble. I didn’t need to do that because (a) I was pretty broke that day, (b) listened to the audiobook for “free” on Scribd, and (c) B&N is pricy! I don’t regret buying the book, but I shouldn’t have bought it when I did and where I did. (Especially because listening to the audio was a fantastic experience!)
LETTUCE | The Handful of Crispness – A refreshing concept/theme in a book
Magonia by Maria Dahvana Headley was definitely one of the most unique books I’ve ever read. I would say that it was refreshing in that sense. I’ve never heard of a book with quite that concept before! I don’t want to give too much away, but it was refreshing to read such a bizarre and different book.
CHIPS | Le Pièce de Résistance – A must-read recommendation
Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins was my favorite book last year. I think most people out there have read it already, but it’s the first book I’ll tell anyone and everyone to read. Most people I know reallllly loved it. When I think of “must read,” I think of Anna! I would also definitely recommend the rest of the companion series, because they’re all super adorable. Anna is actually my favorite of the three, though!
TABASCO | The Kick to the Face – Your favorite fight/action sequence
Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard is my final choice for this one! It’s a tough call because I really don’t read books with fighting or action scenes, except for in some fantasy books. I can think of a few others where the fighting was really unique, but this is the first one to come to mind. (I think Cristina picked this on hers too!) I just was amazed by the kind of powers these people had. It was really cool and insane to read about hem fighting each other in the arena.
what a fun post! You’ve got some good books on this list. 🙂
This tag is so unique! I love it (and may have to use it for a future post in spite of not being tagged by anyone). And I loved your book choices! Majority are novels I’ve read and enjoyed, and I liked seeing them on your list 🙂
Consider yourself tagged then! 😀
So I love what you said about Landline, because while the book dragged a little in places for me I think it had FANTASTIC dialogue. Glad you had so much fun with the tag! 🙂
Yes, exactly! Thanks for tagging me<3
Love this tag! Gone Girl was amazing. Best plot twist ever!
I know, right!? AH
You already know I loved this post (since I was inspired to do it yesterday hehe!), but I thought I’d tell you again how much fun it was to read. I love so many of your selections – The Strange & Beautiful Sorrows of Ava Lavender was definitely a very odd book with not much happening. I liked the writing at times, but the story was too weird (not to mention boring) for me. I’m not a huge fan of Landline, but I love the quote you chose. Rowell is such a great, quotable writer — even when I don’t love the story. 🙂
YES EXACTLY (about everything).. Ava Lavender did have pretty writing but was waaaay too uneventful for me. I also kinda liked Landline – not my fave – but the quotes from it were seriously amazing. I’m reading Fangirl right now and honestly not a huge fan, but the writing is too good to ignore.