As someone who lives in Connecticut, I do a lot of complaining about the lack of things there are to do around here. It’s such a small state but honestly, it packs in a lot of museums, bookstores, restaurants, beaches, and the good ol’ outdoors. I may shit-talk about Connecticut a lot, but honestly? It’s kind of nice being able to travel from the top to the bottom of your state in 2 hours. Literally. So, what’s even more amazing is that the Niantic Book Barn is on the literal opposite side of the state from me, and yet I can still go there for a day trip. Last Sunday, Chris and I drove down to Niantic in the late afternoon and were still home way before bedtime. Here are some highlights from this glorious place and my book haul at the end! I’ve been here once before but it was right before I started blogging, so I didn’t have the opportunity to share anything!
The glorious barn(s) of books

The best part about the Book Barn is that there are multiple little barns and buildings full of books everywhere. They sell all used books (and buy them too), and break them into different categorized buildings. I should have taken a picture of the map, but oh well. It basically shows where you can buy different genres of books. The Young Adult section is in the main barn, but I always have to explore all of the other buildings before hitting that! Otherwise I would have way too many books in my arms walking around… They have Fiction, Mystery, Chick Lit, Poetry… you name it – really all kinds of books in different spots!

The first thing you see are a bunch of shelving units just in the wide open, full of new releases. There’s a table in the middle (as you can see on the right) that highlights some of them. If you look into the distance in that picture, you can see more buildings full of books. They’re everywhere. It’s a little maze full of book-filled buildings. Honestly, does it get better or more fun that that? (No.)

There’s a cute little trolley type of thing (like they use for moving around books in libraries) in the center of the open book area that says Dolla Dolla Books, Y’all. I mean, honestly. The best. (I can’t believe I forgot to look at those books while I was there… it’s hard to keep track of everything to see because it really is like a maze of buildings!) There are plenty of little seating areas throughout the main area, as well as lots of random chairs inside the various barns. This place could be full to the brim of people and probably still not have any issues with finding seats. There are some cute game areas that we sat near the first time – a giant chess board and checkers board, wooden cutout to stick your head through, etc. There’s even a little petting zoo with goats – I think? – that you can go up and feed.
There are so many gardens throughout, too, with more seating, paths, plants, flowers, and little figurines. You could pretty much spend all day looking through the gardens and following the paths. I feel like you could get married at this place. It’s so cute. We got there right as it was hitting dinnertime, so some of the lights were on throughout. I wish we were there when it got dark, though, because I’m sure its even cuter at night.
The back corner of their “campus” has a swingset and little play houses for kids to hang out in. I wish I were small enough to go on them because honestly I would have had so much fun with that shit as a kid. Oddly, they also have some fake cemetery headstones near all of the kids’ play things… LOL. I love it. (Kids stuff shown in the pictures below!)
I’m guessing you’d like me to be quiet for a bit and show you the goods, eh? I actually picked quite a few books up in addition to these but I didn’t want to go overboard. I knew my bank account was getting pushed to the limit at that point.
The book haul – 5 books for under $15
Yes, you heard that correctly. The two books at the top were $1 each and the three underneath were $4 each…. that DOES include the pretty much brand new book at the bottom – in hardcover. YEP. Pretty amazing, right?
I had contacted them before this weekend to see about the Libba Bray books I’ve been seeking for way too long. They told me they had the first one in paperback in the style I was looking for (I don’t like the paperback redesigned covers), so I snatched it up. And it was a dollar. THE BEST.
Caribbean Cruising by Rachel Hawthorne | I read one of her other Christmassy books over the winter and thought it was super adorable, so I knew I had to try her others. Couldn’t resist for a buck.
A Great and Terrible Beauty by Libba Bray | Thank god. Come to me precious, I’m ready to reread.
Seeing Redd by Frank Beddor | I read this series back in high school and have wanted to reread it ever since. I don’t remember much except really loving it… and I may have not read the final book yet? Regardless, had to grab it.
Etiquette and Espionage by Gail Carriger | I was on the fence about reading these but I couldn’t resist. It was in great condition and does sound awesome.
Twist by Karen Akins | I haven’t read the first book in this duology yet, but Andi has been raving about them both for a super long time. They sound right up my alley, so I had to get it when I saw a hardcover for $4. I saw it at the last second before we left the YA section too… such a prime snag.
So, planning a trip to CT any time soon? I’ll meet you here!
I used to travel to CT for work a lot. I wish I would have know about this place. I love used book stores. \
I’m curious to hear what you think about Etiquette and Espionage. I struggled to get through it and didn’t continue with the series. But I know a lot of people love those books.
I’m not sure when I’ll read it but you’ll know when I do!
That looks like such a cool bookstore. I have never been to CT, but I would almost be willing to go there for a cool bookstore. 🙂
Haha it’s awesome!
So, when are we going to Book Barn? I seriously want to visit it because it sounds/looks/IS amazing 😉
YES! Come!!
The Book Barn looks so cute! Also, I had NO IDEA they redid the Libba Bray series covers…
[…] of pictures on my actual birthday for some reason, but you can see what the Book Barn looks like here in this post. So as you can tell by that sentence, we went down to the Book Barn for the day! We also went to my […]