This is exciting! I was nominated for the Liebster Award, which is for bloggers with under 200 followers – “new” bloggers – by Bibliophile Bliss! Now, I have to nominate 11 other bloggers and they can win the award by following the four general rules. Thanks so much for the nomination! xo
Once you are nominated, you must follow these rules in order to get this award:
1. Link & Thank the blogger who nominated you
2. Answer the 11 questions your nominator gives you
3. Tag 11 other bloggers who have 200 or less followers
4. Ask the 11 bloggers you nominated 11 questions and let them know you nominated them!
The 11 blogs I’m nominating:
I apologize if you’ve already been nominated OR I nominated you and you have over 200 followers – sometimes it’s hard to tell!
- The Reader’s Roost
- Gwen & Kate’s Library
- A Librarian’s Library
- Under Review (Pucks and Paperbacks)
- Miss Rosie’s Reviews
- Kittens and Books
- Katherine’s Corner
- Footprints of an Opinionated Ginger
- Words We Heart
- Millions of Books and Way Too Much Coffee
- Contemporary Light Reads
My 11 questions for the above tagged bloggers:
- What is the best book you’ve read this year?
- What is the worst book you’ve read this year?
- If you could recommend one author to me, who would you recommend and why?
- What is your favorite type of blog post to write? (Discussions, reviews, lists/recommendations, memes, etc.?)
- Tell me three random facts about you that are not reading related.
- What TV show is the most addicting one you’ve watched and why should I watch it? (Netflix options are preferable!!)
- What’s your dream career?
- What book series did you completely binge-read…or wish you could have binge-read but not all of them were out at the time?
- What is your biggest hobby aside from reading?
- What is your favorite book of all time?
- What is your favorite genre to read and what would you say to readers who don’t like that genre?
Now onto my answers:
- Where do you buy your books? This totally depends on the price, accessibility, and my mood! I buy e-books from Amazon for my Kindle if they are the cheapest option. If a book I’ve been wanting is around the same price for the e-book and the paperback, I’ll head to Barnes & Noble for the real book version. I love used book stores and any other random place I can find books, too! Sometimes I get audiobooks from Audible depending on their price and if I have my monthly credit.
- What are you currently reading? I’m reading Audrey, Wait! by Robin Benway. (Well technically, I haven’t started it- but I put my bookmark in the first page). I’m also listening to The Strange and Beautiful Sorrows of Ava Lavender.
- Last book you did not finish and why? I have a thing against not finishing books. I typically ALWAYS finish even if I don’t like it. The one and only book I purposely DNF was The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold. It was too boring and I had absolutely no desire to continue. I had just gotten to college and my reading habits slipped, so this book was not nearly good enough to keep my attention during that time.
- If you could meet any one in the world (it can be fictional), who would you meet and why? Oh god, this is hard! I think I would have to go with your stereotypical celebrity answer and say something like Justin Timberlake, Zac Efron, or Mila Kunis. Totally not book-related, but oh well!
- Favorite book to movie adaptation? I think overall I would say the Harry Potter adaptations. They did their best to include as much as possible without damaging the integrity of the series. As far as standalones go, I think they did a great job with The Fault in Our Stars.
- Most anticipated book for 2014? Hmm, I would have to say my most anticipated for most of 2014 would be the final Pretty Little Liars book (Vicious). It comes out in December and I have been waiting for the final book in this series for so long! I can’t wait to finally read it.
- Love triangles. Hate or love them and why. I think if they’re done well, I don’t mind them. Generally it can be difficult to pull off because most books favor one person over the other, and it becomes painfully obvious which person they’ll end up with anyway. What’s the point in including them if they don’t add to the plot at all? If the reader knows who the winner is going to be, why bother?
- Who is your favorite book boyfriend and why? It’s weird – I normally don’t have strong feelings like that towards main characters. The only one that really comes to mind is Gale from The Hunger Games. I was totally on his team.
- If you were stranded on an island, what would be the three things you would choose to have with you? A major stack of books, lots of food, and a boat to leave 🙂
- 3 random facts about you. (1) I have an extreme fear/aversion to ketchup. I can’t smell it, look at it, or hear the noise it makes when it comes out of the container. (2) In a perfect world, I would be a professor of Literary & Cultural / Gender studies at a college. (3) My favorite food is pizza. I ALWAYS want pizza.
- Lastly, which book is next on your TBR pile? I think I’ll probably read Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas next… although I think that will make me addicted and then I’ll only read that series for the next few weeks! I have to decide if I’m ready for that level of addiction.
Thank you for the nomination! A recommendation: wait to read the Throne of Glass series until you have all the books (do you have an Heir of Fire ARC? Boy I wish I did!), because you are right — you are going to want to read them all! And if you don’t want to, you should — I liked the second book much more, and have high hopes for the third! Thanks again!
I don’t have have the ARC ahhh maybe I’ll wait a little bit
Congrats on the nomination! 😉
I’d love to hear what you think about Audrey, Wait! I’ve been seeing it around and wondering about it.
Also, who doesn’t always want pizza? It’s one of my favorites too!
I know for an old book it seems to be around quite a but! I’ve heard all good things
I loved your answers! I wish I was more like you and finish off books even though I don’t like them. I’m excited for you to read Throne of Glass, its one of my fav series. Prepare yourself 😉
Haha oh yes I know I’ve heard SO much about this series from everyone, I’m ready!
Congrats! 😀