Okay so I wasn’t tagged in this, but it looks fun anyways!
(Found on Woven Magic Books)
Greed – What is your most inexpensive book?
The cheapest books I’ve purchased would be The Rosie Project by Graeme Simsion (haven’t read it yet) and Class of ’98 by A.L. Player (LOVED it). Both were $2.01 on my Kindle. Those are the cheapest over the past year, but I have gotten some for free or for 99 cents on my Kindle in 2013.
Wrath – What author do you have a love/hate relationship with?
This is a tough one! Normally I either love or hate an author. There haven’t been a lot of instances where I dislike some of their books and like some others. I guess I would have to say Nicholas Sparks because his books feed into the super-romantic stereotype that is very unrealistic. I don’t like what they imply about romance at times, but I also have enjoyed many of his books. I am a sucker for The Notebook but wish I wasn’t!
Gluttony – What book have you devoured over and over with no shame?
Honestly, none. I don’t typically like to re-read books. I WILL re-read Harry Potter at some point. In the meantime, I can say I have never read a book more than once. In my opinion, there are too many books out there and I don’t want to waste time I could spend on a new book.
Sloth -What book have you neglected reading due to laziness?
I started reading A Discovery of Witches by Deborah Harkness back in college because my friend strongly recommended it. Now, there are three books out and I still haven’t finished the first one. I tried to read it while at the gym at college, but I just couldn’t focus on it and got lazy. I paused halfway through and have yet to pick it back up again.
Pride – What book do you most talk about in order to sound like an intellectual reader?
I would have to say The Catcher in the Rye. It is such a great book and I totally loved it… but it is definitely one of those books people bring up to impress other people.
Lust – What attributes do you find attractive in male or female characters?
I really enjoy humor. I think it is best to have a funny character that I can laugh with. That mirrors my personal life too; I would prefer someone who makes me laugh over just about any other attribute. I really like books where male characters have been pining over female characters because it is a nice switch from the usual gender roles we find in books. For females, I like strong characters. I can’t stand when the main character is super whiney.
Envy – What book would you most like to receive as a gift?
Hmm, I find it difficult to ask for books as gifts because I always end up wanting to just buy them myself! Any hardcover book that I am really looking forward to would be a great gift. I guess right now, that would be To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before by Jenny Han. That’s the hardcover I really want right now.
This is a really cool idea. I love reading (and writing) books, so thanks for sharing.