I follow a number of lifestyle and cooking blogs (like here and here) and always love reading their posts about what they’re currently up to: things they’re feeling, stuff they’re working on, and even what music they’re listening to at the moment. (I also love the “what I’m doing now” tag on Instagram!) I’m taking a cue from them and giving you a slice of my life whenever I feel like it.
the NFL schedule release, tonight at 8pm! We already know who is playing who, but we finally get to find out when they’re playing the games! My family and I are planning a trip to Dallas to see the Cowboys vs. Panthers game, so knowing the schedule will help better plan our trip out there!
what to do during my lunch break. My mom gave me some pepperoni bread last night and I brought some in for work, but I know I’m going to need a little bit more to eat. I have to go get groceries and go to Five Below for some organizational things during lunch but I don’t know how much time I’ll end up having.
some resume sourcing for work, although I could be focusing on that a little bit better… I have absolutely NO desire to work anymore. As a recruiter, I spend most of my day searching for candidates, calling them, interviewing them, and then doing the process all over again. I have countless tabs open of people’s LinkedIn profiles at the moment.
water, water, water. I’ve been a water addict lately because my Fitbit shames me when I don’t drink enough. I have this huge cup from Dave & Buster’s on my desk that I like to use, because I only have to fill it up twice to drink about 64 oz.
pepperoni bread from my mom. It’s so good! She makes a few loaves around Christmas time and then freezes them for the next year. I complained because she was supposed to give me one when she made them, so she ended up giving it to me last night at her birthday dinner. I need to get going to the grocery store for lunch but I don’t want to go there on an empty stomach.
exhausted. I haven’t been getting nearly enough sleep lately and I’m not sure what the problem is. I’ve cut out soda and am down to one coffee per day (first thing in the morning), so there’s no reason for me to be wide awake during random parts of the night. Maybe my increased motivation to “work out” (aka walk more steps for the Fitbit) is getting me too riled up before bed. Regardless I was able to get some work done on my closet this morning instead of sleeping!
my new Fitbit! I’ve mentioned it twice already in this post so I guess I should talk about it a little more. I can’t lie, I’m really bad about working out and eating healthy. My weight has slowly increased since high school and I’m really hoping to lose at least 70 pounds. It’s a big goal, but I’m taking some good steps to achieve it. I love keeping track of my steps – it motivates me to take walks at least once per day – and monitoring my calories. I’m on a “medium” intensity plan and it’s really easy to stick to! Here’s hoping I can keep up with it and lose some weight.
books for Brittany’s Weekly Bookstagram challenge! It’s nice because she comes up with one theme per week over the next few weeks, so you don’t have to remember to take a picture every day. This week’s theme is April Showers, which is incredibly appropriate in Connecticut right now. I took one picture this morning and will hopefully be creative enough to do at least one more for this theme.
my trip to BEA! I was able to come in contact with another Connecticut blogger to plan out BEA! I’m so excited because I’ll be spending a lot of time with the gals from On the Same Page for their one day journey into BEA. I didn’t want to brave it by myself, since I’m a newbie, so I’ll be headed into the city on Friday with them. We’ll go to the expo then meet up with some people after for drinks and dinner, hopefully! I’m SO excited. I think one day of the event will help ease me into the whole thing – and going with some experts is definitely going to help!
Second Helpings by Megan McCafferty. I somehow never got around to this series when I was younger, even though it looks like something I would have loved in high school. I’m enjoying it so far for the most part, but Jessica’s voice takes a bit of getting used to. I’m not sure if I’ll be able to count this as a favorite, like a lot of people, but I’m definitely invested in the series! I’m also still listening to my Harry Potter audiobook, Goblet of Fire. AND I’m still reading Full Frontal Feminism by Jessica Valenti. AND I started an Adventure Time comic on Scribd!
to read this week’s Top Ten Tuesday posts! I like to browse through my Bloglovin feed slowly throughout my work day for whenever I need a break. I love TTT day because it usually means there’s more posts to read through. This week’s topic is favorite authors, and you can see mine here.
about what my Fangirl Friday post will be about for Sarah’s feature! She has a guest feature where you can fangirl about whatever you want to share, bookish or not! I’m going to be featured in a few weeks so I have to send her my stuff next week. I have a few different ideas that I’m mulling over at the moment.
VERY HARD not to buy everything in my Etsy cart! I’m still involved in No Spend April, and have actually done a GREAT job so far. I have so many items in my cart on Etsy though… I find that putting them in there and storing them for later makes me feel a little better. It’s mostly planner stickers. I love my Erin Condren but I don’t fill it out to the millionth degree like some people do. I’m hoping fun stickers will change that for me.
Friends, nonstop. I don’t like to share my favorite show with everyone so I was displeased when it made its way onto Netflix. I have the DVD boxed set (onto my second one, actually, because I wore the discs down so much in the first set) so I didn’t need it to be on Netflix. I’m actually starting to realize the benefits of it now that I have an iPad. I’m able to lay in bed in the morning to watch it or keep it on the counter while I get ready for work. I REALLY need more shows to binge-watch because I miss those days – someone give me some recs!
my famous work outfit: cardigan, khakis, shirt, fancy necklace or scarf. This is my go-to outfit when I’m not in the mood to plan another outfit. I have so many cardigans, plain shirts, scarves, and necklaces that I can pretty much mix and match ANYTHING in my closet using this formula. Today’s cardigan is Carolina Panthers blue (hehe), the shirt is black, and the necklace is a huge mix of various blue stones. It’s rainy but supposed to be 65 degrees today so I risked the cropped khakis.
Feel free to link up and write your own posts whenever you want, if you’re feeling inspired! Most of my posts will only feature the categories that are currently applicable in my life, so here’s the full list that I came up with:
Wearing | Watching | Trying | Thinking | Swooning | Starting | Reading | Planning | Photographing | Loving | Feeling | Eating | Drinking | Doing | Debating | Anticipating | Adoring | Adding
Thanks so much for linking back to #weeklybookstagram AND for participating! Woo! I hope it’s fun for everyone. It’s already so nice to not have to worry about posting every day haha!
YAY FOR FRIENDS. God, I will always love that show. I’m a fangirl for sure.
I’m so excited for BEA and so glad we’ll see so much of you! 🙂 It’ll be so much fun.
Of course! I love it so far and felt like I didn’t miss anything by posting mine today – and have time for more later on!
BEA is going to be so fun! Thanks for letting me tag along with you guys <33
We have a Five Below but I’ve never been there. I might have to stop in sometime and see what they have. I got a Fitbit at Christmas but I’ve never been able to get used to the feeling of having it on my wrist all the time, so I take it off when I get home from work. Actually, I haven’t been wearing it much lately at all. I need to get back to wearing it, because I really did like tracking my steps.
Five Below is awesome! Everything is under $5 and they have all sorts of stuff. I love getting phone cases and storage bins there.
I’m loving this feature! (I might have to start participating!) I also have been thinking about getting a FitBit, do you have recommendations for brands/where to purchase?
Also, so jealous that you’re going to BEA!!! I can’t wait to see all of your pictures!
Thank you! It’s fine for just a little slice of life 🙂 I have a Target credit card so I got it with 5% off from there – I got the Fitbit Flex model because it’s cheaper and smaller, but still does everything you’d like it to do. I really love it! It’s so easy and motivating.
I’m so excited for BEA! I was jealous over your YALLWEST pics so I guess it’ll be the same for you with BEA 😛
I love this feature!!
You can never watch enough Friends! That show is addicting. I too have a crazy amount of cardigans and scarves. I LOVE them and they are such easy outfits to put together.