I wrote a post back in the day about some of my favorite book covers. This was long before I invented Inside & Out and Cover Colors, two features that (even more so) show how obsessed I am with book covers. In that post, I featured a bunch of covers that appear on my Goodreads “Cover Love” shelf… 64 covers, to be exact. Because apparently I’m crazy. But, anyways, I’m here being crazy again because I figured I would update! My cover tastes definitely haven’t changed and I still think you SHOULD judge a book by its cover, but my cover love shelf is now even larger. This post features a grand total of 66 covers. So apparently I just get crazier with time. Without further ado, here are the newest covers that are privileged enough to join the Cover Love shelf!
I agree about judging books by the cover. I am initially attracted to books by the cover. I won’t read it unless the description sounds good too, but I don’t even pick up a book (or click on it) to read the description if the cover doesn’t drawn me in. Fun post!
Yay cover love! I just LOVE bright colored covers, as those always generally tend to draw my eye. Throw in an illustrated cover OR one filled up with typography, and I’m usually sold enough to check out what the book is really about! I spy a lot of my favorites in today’s post 😉
Same here! Bright colors or illustrations or watercolors alwaysss work for me.
Yeah I totally judge books by their covers. I love covers and can look through them all day. Also, I love so many you have here. Drooling over all the pretty 🙂
Thank you 😀
I am totally obsessed with book covers!! A great cover can definitely make me want to read the book more. You have so many good ones up there. I LOVE Tease, We All Looked Up, Finding Paris, Steering the Stars, Madly, How to Be Bad, and The Girl Who Fell especially.
[…] Lauren are you writing about book covers again? Hell yeah, of course I am! I can’t get enough and you really should know that by now. There are some authors out there who have been #blessed […]
[…] love book covers (surprised? No and no and no and no.) and clearly find any excuse to show them off. I’ve been thinking lately about why certain […]