November + Non-Holiday December TBR

Posted October 31, 2019 / Book Lists, Features, TBR Lists / 2 Comments

My monthly TBR feature here shows my progress based on last month’s TBR, my plans for this month, and anything else I might be thinking about from a reading perspective. Sometimes I feature a little poll at the bottom so you guys can help me figure out a certain title I should read from a group of books.

October Progress

MooncakesThe Map from Here to There (The Start of Me and You, #2)His Hideous HeartThe Good WidowStepsister
The 7½ Deaths of Evelyn HardcastleTwice in a Blue Moon

Finally feeling good from October! I managed to pull from my TBR, pretty much exclusively, and read a LOT of books. I didn’t finish STEPSISTER after getting about 8% through. It wasn’t bad, just not in the mood for it really. I also am still reading IMAGINARY FRIEND. Otherwise, I fullllly booked out my reading month and it made a world of difference.

As you can tell from the title, I’m going to put all of my November reads AND my December non-holiday reads into this TBR post. I plan on reading mostly Christmassy books throughout December and didn’t feel like duplicating with a December TBR that looks like my same holiday TBR post (coming late November). I spoke about how I plan to finish up my challenges in October/November recently, so you’ll see some books on here too.

Up Next in November-December

Review Copies

The Pretenders (The Similars, #2) The Bromance Book Club (Bromance Book Club, #1) Ricochet Blitzed (Playbook, #3)

The Pretenders by Hanover | The Bromance Book Club by Adams
Ricochet by Berla | Blitzed by Martin

I’ll definitely be focusing on review copies of Christmas books in December, so I probably won’t get to anything else… but here are some options for November if I somehow have time to read all of them! I do have one holiday egalley for November but as you can guess, that’s for another post. I was just approved for THE PRETENDERS  and I’m desperate to read it; I loved THE SIMILARS. I meant to read THE BROMANCE BOOK CLUB last month but didn’t get around to it, so that’s a major priority. Same goes for RICOCHET for the past couple of months… I also have BLITZED coming out before the end of the year. I’ve enjoyed this companion series a lot so far, so I’m eager to dive in.

Imaginary Friend by Chbosky | Steele Ops by Hunt | Angel Falls by Liasson

As I mentioned, I’m still reading IMAGINARY FRIEND, so I’ll keep it on the TBR for the month. Plus I kind of just love this picture for some reason lol. It’ll be a slog to get through but I’m hoping the ending picks up a little bit more. I also got a review copy of LETHAL REDEMPTION from Forever (thank you!!) and decided to purchase DEADLY OBSESSION because I’m a series-in-order reader no matter what. I hope to read both! I’m working with Forever on Liasson’s holiday release and also wanted to complete the previous two books, so wishful/hopeful thinking I get to ALL of these before the end of the year! THEN THERE WAS YOU was purchased by me this week and I had a review copy already of THE WAY YOU LOVE ME.

Reading Events

Mini Book Club

The Girl Who Lived

November: The Girl Who Lived by Greyson
Holiday book (TBD on my holiday TBR post)

Someone else in the book club selected this one. It’s not exactly my cup of tea, comparatively, but hopefully it’ll be a good and quick read. I requested it from the library but may have to buy it. Womp. We’re going to read a Christmassy book during December.

YA Book Club

November: Call Down the Hawk by Stiefvater
December: Supernova by Marissa Meyer

My other book club will be reading CALL DOWN THE HAWK and SUPERNOVA for November and then December. We didn’t read the Raven Cycle books together but they all read them after I did, per my recommendation. We all planned to read this one ASAP in November, so we figured we may as well make our choice easy for book club! We did collectively read the Renegades books together, so this was a no-brainer for December as well.


The Wicked King (rererad) and The Queen of Nothing by Black

I was obsessed with THE CRUEL PRINCE yet again during last month’s read, so I’m excited to dive into THE WICKED KING for a second time. I’m super nervous about THE QUEEN OF NOTHING but *really* pumped for Holly Black’s book event next month. I took the following day off from work because I need to use up vacation time, and I definitely plan to read a lot of this one during the day!

Challenge Business

Kiss Me in Sweetwater Springs (Sweetwater Springs #2.5) A Week of Mondays Royce Rolls The Summer House


Monthly Motif (seasons, elements, weather): I’ll be reading THE MATCHMAKER’S MISTLETOE MISSION as my first holiday read of the year in late November, so that will account for something relating to the season (not pictured, as its a holiday read). My other season-based read is KISS ME IN SWEETWATER SPRINGS (already pictured in the review copy section) because the whole series is based in certain times of year and they’re usually central to the plot.

Picky Pledge (bought for the cover): Alright yes I didn’t fully buy A WEEK OF MONDAYS for the cover (it’s mostly for the book itself because it sounded awesome), but to be fair: I rarely buy random books if the covers are terrible. So here we go.

Popsugar Challenge: I have a few prompts left for this one, but they’re easily achieved for once! CALL DOWN THE HAWK was written by a musician (featured elsewhere for book club). A WEEK OF MONDAYS takes place in one day because it’s a Groundhog Day-style book. KISS ME IN SWEETWATER SPRINGS has “sweet” in the title.


Monthly Motif (last chance): This one will be open and not really needing a TBR. It’s a catch-all category for those books that I put off and it’s my last chance to read them. I’ll end up picking two of my holiday egalleys for this category. The trouble with these is that holiday books release around October but I won’t read them until December, so I’m past due on the reviews. Therefore, last chance to read before 2020!

Picky Pledge (bought for the hype): Guys am I ever going to read ROYCE ROLLS??? Holy shit @ myself. I can’t believe how dumb I am about this book. At this point, it was purchased because of my own personal hype. Therefore, that topic will be covered.

Popsugar Challenge: I put off reading THE SUMMER HOUSE over the summer as my second “book with the same title” selection, so I’ll be squeezing that in too. I thought I *might* be more likely to read it in December, so its a little separate from the other books. Instead of Christmas in July, I’ll do some summer in December 😉

Retellings Challenge

The Stolen Kingdom: An Aladdin Retelling House of Salt and Sorrows 28259022

The Stolen Kingdom by Atazdeh | House of Salt and Sorrows by Craig | Rose and Thorn by Prineas 

I didn’t want to put these under a specific month because I’m hoping to pick up two in November and one in December, but it’ll be a mood-based thing. If I’m smart, I’ll pick one of these as an audiobook to listen to in December since I KNOW it’ll be a struggle to read a non-Christmas book physically. Anyways, these will tick off three bingo boxes: Middle Eastern myth, debut author, and weapon on the cover.

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