July TBR

Posted June 28, 2018 / Book Lists, Features, TBR Lists / 2 Comments

My monthly TBR feature here shows my progress based on last month’s TBR, my plans for this month, and anything else I might be thinking about from a reading perspective. Sometimes I feature a little poll at the bottom so you guys can help me figure out a certain title I should read from a group of books.

June Progress

 Your Destination Is on the Left

I kind of gave up on reading my own physical copies during the month of June. I knew I would have to pack them all up and bring them home anyways, so it’s not like there was much holding me to reading them. I also knew I didn’t want to bring any physical books to California last week, so my Kindle was my savior. I didn’t read all of my library books but I was comfortable with at least getting to SAM & ISLA. I also read the two books for blog tours.

On Deck for July

Blog Tours

 The Year of Living Awkwardly: Sophomore Year

The Art of Inheriting Secrets by O’Neal | After Nightfall by Banner
The Year of Living Awkwardly by Chastain

I’ve been signing up for more adult fiction blog tours lately for a few reasons: the books have sounded really interesting, and I’m trying to switch my reading up a bit. I’ve been burnt out lately on certain books (YA contemps, pretty much), so anything that’s different (like these adult books with mystery elements involved) is appealing to me right now. I’m forcing myself to read something new instead.

Upcoming Egalleys

 The Impossibility of Us The Last Wish of Sasha Cade The Good Luck Charm

The Impossibility of Us by Upperman | The Last Wish of Sasha Cade by Young
The Good Luck Charm by Hunting

Most of my egalleys were either from June or are much later this year. I’ve been trying to read whatever I’m in the mood for instead of just forcing myself based on pub date. I’ve been doing a good job of keeping up and getting ahead when I follow this method, so no complaints here. The books above are a mix of later pub dates and ones coming up soon/over the next month.

Borrowed Books: Library & Friends

Puddin' (Dumplin', #2) All We Can Do Is Wait Unclaimed Baggage

Puddin by Murphy | All We Can Do is Wait by Lawson | Unclaimed Baggage by Doll

I have a new library to explore this month guys!! I’m pumped. The only drawback is that they’re on their own system so it’s a LITTLE harder to request from elsewhere in the state. The good thing is that there’s a nice library in the town I work in, so I have the ability to get books from there and request them through ILL as well. I noticed some new releases I want to read and get out from that library, plus I have some other anticipated releases I’m hoping I can request and read this month. I also have borrowed UNCLAIMED BAGGAGE from Morgan, even though her and I completely forgot to exchange it IRL. She was kind enough to mail it <3

From My Shelves

I will have all of my books in one place again this month!!! I don’t have a picture of anything aside from the same books I’ve been showing you since I moved, so I’m going to leave it empty here. I would like to read 2 books from my physical shelves this month because I’ll have SO many more to choose from. All the babies I’ve missed!!

2 responses to “July TBR

  1. Krystianna

    The Last Wish of Sasha Cade sounds awesome. I recently got a copy of it and I’m excited to start it. I’ve been reviewing books by the same method. It really helps to read what you’re interested in at the time.
    Krystianna @ Downright Dystopian

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