October TBR

My monthly TBR feature here shows my progress based on last month’s TBR, my plans for this month, and anything else I might be thinking about from a reading perspective. Sometimes I feature a little poll at the bottom so you guys can help me figure out a certain title I should read from a group of books. September Progress I actually did a great job for September! I started my series binge and got fairly far into it (about halfway?), as well was completed the CRAZY RICH ASIANS series. I read IN OTHER LANDS for my book club too. I pushed off some of the end-of-summer books I hoped to read because it just wasn’t gonna happen. On Deck for October Continuing My Series Binge Rose Gardner Mystery Series by Denise Grover Swank I read the first few books in this series and really think I’ll just continue on right away. I haven’t done a full-on series binge in a long time! I have taken some “breaks” in between (meaning I’m reading multiple books at once) but am always also reading one of these… if that makes sense. I was able to borrow two from my coworker that she owned but I’ve had to buy the rest on Amazon. (The series WAS on Kindle Unlimited but it’s rudely not there anymore!) Library Books The Royals by Hawkins To Right the Wrongs by Scarborough I managed to catch up on some of my library books so I […]