My monthly TBR feature here shows my progress based on last month’s TBR, my plans for this month, and anything else I might be thinking about from a reading perspective. Sometimes I feature a little poll at the bottom so you guys can help me figure out a certain title I should read from a group of books.
January Progress
My major reading goal this month was to finish up the ROSE GARDNER series with the final three books, and I succeeded in that! I was cranking through them and finished all three in about a week, even while I had other reading obligations for blog tours and book club going on. PRETTY and ARCHENEMIES were for those two things, respectively. I finished THIS LIE as an audiobook to get the review copy done from Netgalley and FAMOUS was my first read of the year. NINE was a hold but I had anticipated it on my TBR for the month – woo!
Up Next in February
Review Copies (Egalleys)
I Owe You One by Kinsella | Enchantee by Trelease | The Au Pair by Rous | Comics Will Break Your Heart by Hicks | The Dating Game by Roache | The Bride Test by Hoang
I have been a failure at reading review copies so far in 2019. I think it’s because I got some unsolicited ARCs, which I’m actually very excited about in theory, but I wasn’t planning for them. I’ve also been shying away from fantasy so far this year… even though it’s usually my favorite time to read it! I’m not sure what’s up with me. I decided to include a good amount of egalleys here – some are past due, some are publishing very soon, and some are a little later. I like to get ahead even when I’m behind, so I’m never *that* behind lol.
Review Copies (Physical)
Girls with Sharp Sticks by Young | The Vanishing Stair by Johnson
Serious Moonlight by Bennett
I wanted to read GIRLS last month but my book club, blog tours, and library holds got in the way a little bit. I love Suzanne Young though so I will definitely prioritize for this month! I also got a finished copy of VANISHING in the mail a week ago, but put off reading it for the same reasons. I was so pleasantly surprised to receive SERIOUS MOONLIGHT and definitely think I’ll be trying to read it for February too, if possible!
Library Books
Two Can Keep a Secret by McManus
I need to get my ass in gear for the Retellings Challenge this year because I didn’t read any in January. STAIN looks like a very long but hopefully great one to start my year with. I also downloaded the audio for SECRET last month, but my library hold came in soonafter. I’ll probably tag team both formats to get it done faster.
Prep & Preorder
Crooked Kingdom and King of Scars by Bardugo
I cannot effing believe this book is here. I’m a little nervous, to be honest, but Nikolai is perfection so I SHOULD NOT DOUBT ANYTHING. I started the audio for CK last week and am hoping to finish it up ASAP by early February so I can hop immediately into KoS.
Looking Ahead to March
I spoke with Tonya about doing some kind of owned book bingo challenge for March. She was leaning toward February but when I realized I’m an idiot and had so many review copies to read, she was agreeable to moving to March! Next month’s TBR, as a result, will have a lot of owned books and backlist titles I’ve been meaning to read!
Great TBR! I liked I Owe You One and The Dating Game was alright. I can’t wait for Serious Moonlight! Th Au Pair and The Bride Test are two I’m excited for as well. Happy reading!!
Thank you 😀
THE BRIDE TEST!!!!!!!!!! <3
You have some amazing books coming up in February! I hope you enjoy them all! The more I visit Bookmarks lit the more books I add to my lists! Thank you so much for the inspiration!!
Oooh yay I’m so glad 😀
I’m super intrigued by The Au Pair!
It WAS intriguing!
Yay! New Year, new books! I love seeing all the awesome recommendations out there and I am so happy I found your blog. I don’t want to topple your TBR pile but my first book of 2019 I finished I absolutely loved and I am telling everyone about it. The book is called “The Winnowing” by Patrick Garner and it’s the first book of the series. It follows greek goddesses who are forced to intervene in modern day society because of an “end of the world” possible scenario. They are like kick-ass female superheroes that combine mythology with fantasy and I can’t wait until the next book in the series. The author’s description on his Amazon page cracked me up – “Greek goddesses are alive and well and living in Pennsylvania.” (reminded me of the movie Dogma). Hope you will check it out –
Hi Jessica,
I’m the author of “The Winnowing” and love your comments. You “get it” and I’m thrilled you’re giving the book a thumbs up. So far every Amazon rating is 5-star. It’s a definite page-turner. And just to keep you in the loop, Book 2 of the series is well on its way! Thanks again!