Top Ten Tuesdays #281: Book Lover

Posted March 31, 2020 / Top 10 Tuesdays, Weekly Memes / 6 Comments

Signs I’m a Book Lover

Top Ten Tuesdays were started by The Broke and the Bookish and are now hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl, where we make lists of our top ten books (or something else!) based on that week’s prompt. The topics are provided ahead of time and can be found here. Book links bring you to Goodreads or my review.

The topic for this week is signs you’re a book lover. I wanted to personalize it a bit to share some of the ways people know that I’m a book lover, including people in my normal non-bookish/online life!

Book Blog & Related Social Media

This one feels obvious, especially to all of you! But, a friend of a friend said once, “oh yeah, you read a lot. You even have an Instagram account about books, right?” I didn’t realize she had been suggested my bookstagram before so apparently people in my real life know about it! My best friends follow me there but I never thought about acquaintances also following or knowing I had all this stuff. I don’t post about it on my Facebook or other ~regular Lauren~ social media pages.

Wall Art ft. Reading

I have a few prints in my house about reading and books, which most of my real life friends certainly don’t have! i know friends with movie posters and other kinds of fandom things on the wall, but books are just mine 😉


I always get comments on having full ass bookshelves when people come out too, especially people who come around for the first time. A lot of friends (or maybe Chris’s friends) don’t know that I read as much as I do, so they don’t expect to see a number of shelves around. I can’t wait to have a real library someday.

Bookish Shirts/Merch

Obviously I have other book-related things, not just wall art! I have various kinds of swag all around my living room in boxes and on display, especially on my bookshelves. I have a few book-related shirts too. Pictured are two that I had easy access to – a Hermione quote and Meade Creamery from Stay Sweet.

Kindle Goes Everywhere

I always keep my Kindle in my purse. Always. Even if I’m going somewhere I’m fairly positive I won’t be reading at. If I’m going with Chris to a restaurant or something and then going home, I’d hate to not have a book with me just in case! What if we stop at a skate park on the way home and he wants to skate around?! I bring my Kindle specifically because it’s easier to bring multiple books 😉 and because it’s smaller!

Book Sleeves

I DO bring normal books everywhere too, which is why I’ve bought multiple book sleeves. I have two different sizes from the same shop and then another I just bought recently because it’s Friends-related. Couldn’t resist! It also is kind of an in-between size, which is helpful. I know most normies out there don’t have multiple book sleeves hanging around!

TBR Cart

Yes, my TBR cart is also a mobile night stand for me and features more than my TBR. But it still counts! None of my friends have these carts for books. I keep my planners/bullet journal on there and all of the pens I need too. The bottom shelf has books. I also keep my Kindle and iPad on there for other reading at bedtime when needed. There’s a small container of bookmarks too.

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