Five on Fridays [1]

Posted September 27, 2019 / Five on Fridays, Weekly Memes / 4 Comments


Five on Friday displays the the top five things that have been on my mind this week! It could be book-related, but it may be music, movies, TV, personal life, food, etc. I’ll generally be posting these biweekly and linking up with Friday Favorites (hosted by A Little Bit of Everything, Grace and Love, and Momfessionals). Previous posts can be found here! I did start my numbering over, since it’ll be a little different than my previous iterations…


I spoke about this in my most recent Lauren Lately post, but I suppose it’s a big enough event to include here šŸ˜‰ I won’t get into it too much since you may already know and I’m too lazy but basically picture the Monica/Chandler proposal fromĀ Friends (minus the Richard drama and the whole Monica-tried-to-propose-first thing of course), perfectly-timed Panthers-colored nails, and my favorite guy. Please don’t ask about wedding planning and dates and anything else because no thank you ?

Big E

The Big E is a huuuuge fair – which I weirdly spoke about in my latest Five on Friday post years ago?? – that comes to Springfield, MA each year and is supposed to represent all of the New England states. It’s for the majority of September, the traffic is terrible (I will never go on a weekend anymore), and is chock-full of basically just food and infomercial products. It’s amazing. We decided to go this week on Wednesday night after work with Chris’s sister and her husband. My main priority, as always, is mini donuts, so that was the first stop. We split a bunch of other foods, including my ninth lobster roll of the “summer,” and enjoyed some beers at Opa Opa.

Pumpkin Drinks – Starbucks & Dunkin (with my Coffee Cozy)

I can’t lie – I’ve been loving my pumpkin drinks already. The Starbucks Pumpkin Cream Cold Brew is utterly amazing. The Dunkin options weren’t great initially but I recently tried the Cinnamon Sugar Pumpkin Latte and loved it. I have a few options for the season! I had a loooot of the Starbucks ones and had to cut back. They’re also super strong so I would basically only need one coffee on those days instead of two! I’ll also shout out Love Mich because these coffee cozies are AMAZING. I have one for hot drinks and two different sizes for iced drinks, and I’m obsessed. (Free birthday pumpkin cold brew pictured!)

Curling Rods

Since I started washing my hair every other day, I decided I wanted to find an easier way to deal with “second day hair” that doesn’t just mean putting it up in my standard braided bun. I got a wavy-style curling iron that I really enjoy, but sometimes it’s nice to have actual curls instead of just waves. I bought these curling rods from Amazon and they work REALLY well. Because I don’t have much hair, I need to use the smaller ones and put more of them in my hair, then just add a few curls with my curling wand to finish it off. I just put these in before bed and look good enough in the morning! šŸ˜‰

Seasonal Items at Trader Joe’s

Yes so clearly I’m a pumpkin lover. I don’t feel bad about that! I’ve tried all of the pumpkin/autumn-based things above and they were all quite tasty! Some are brand new and some are re-releases from last year. I didn’t buy the salsa this year, for example, but enjoyed it in 2018. I bought FOUR of the Apple candles because apple is our favorite scent at home and these were amazing.

4 responses to “Five on Fridays [1]

  1. Big congrats on your engagement! How exciting! And I totally get the ā€œdonā€™t ask about wedding plansā€ thing. I say sit back and just enjoy the engagement for as long as you want. šŸ™‚ I definitely need to do a Trader Joeā€™s run… maybe this weekend. Give me pumpkin everything! šŸ™‚

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