Posted April 30, 2020 / Book Lists, Features, TBR Lists / 2 Comments

My monthly TBR feature here shows my progress based on last month’s TBR, my plans for this month, and anything else I might be thinking about from a reading perspective. Sometimes I feature a little poll at the bottom so you guys can help me figure out a certain title I should read from a group of books.

Last month’s progress:

SIGH. WHAT IS READING?! I go through phases where I read a REALLY good book and it inspires me to read 1-2 more in a row, and then I stop reading for like a week. It’s frustrating as hell. I actually didn’t fully stick to my TBR last month either because I kept switching things around for the Magical Readathon, which I did complete! Woohoo! I also managed to read all of the egalleys I listed in my review copy section, except for one. Another score!

Non-Review April Leftovers

The Deck of Omens (The Devouring Gray, #2)House of Earth and Blood (Crescent City, #1)The Art of Lainey (The Art of Lainey, #1)

I had this listed last month for the Magical Readathon (and other reasons) but I never got to them. I’m keeping THE DECK OF OMENSHOUSE OF EARTH AND BLOOD, and THE ART OF LAINEY on my May TBR, but I’m not sure that I’ll read them… as usual. I’m hoping to get to DECK as soon as possible since I have the audio and physical copy to mix in throughout the month.

Review Copies

May Release

Four Days of You and Me

May Release

Hunting November (Killing November, #2)

May Release

June Release

Blog Tour

Super impressed that I read all of my egalleys last month except one! This month has a lot of new releases but there were quite a few pushed off for a few months (and even into November!). So, I definitely plan to boost all the May releases by reading them and sharing reviews as soon as I can. We’re looking at FOUR DAYS OF YOU AND ME, HUNTING NOVEMBER, MY SUMMER OF LOVE AND MISFORTUNE, and the blog tour review of THE LIFE (AND MEDIEVAL) TIMES OF KIT SWEETLY. I’ll be diving into THE BOYFRIEND PROJECT to get ahead into June, hopefully, as well!

Required Reading
Book Club & Blog Tour


My YA book club has selected WINTERWOOD as our April and May-ish read! We’re doing the book club in the second week of the month (via Google Hangouts video) so we’ll pick another to read soonafter.

I’m on the blog tour for THE LIFE AND (MEDIEVAL) TIMES OF KIT SWEETLY in early May, so this will be one of my first reads for the month. It looks so cute and I’m really excited! Fun fact: the word medieval is one I absolutely never spell correctly. 0% of the time.

Reading Challenges
Monthly Key Word: Sky Name Blue Book Enchant Is
Calendar of Crime: Pub month

I’ll likely count THE LIFE AND (MEDIEVAL) TIMES OF KIT SWEETLY and/or HUNTING NOVEMBER for the Monthly Key Word Challenge, since they both have names in the title. I can also use HUNTING NOVEMBER again for the Calendar of Crime challenge because it comes out in May!


To Have and to Hoax Blythewood (Blythewood, #1)

WHAT EVEN IS ROMANCEOPOLY? I missed it again completely. Same drill: TO HAVE AND TO HOAX came out last month so I definitely want to read it. It covers the “historical fiction set outside of London” category for this challenge. BLYTHEWOOD is an old backlist book that fits the “old paranormal on your shelf” prompt.

Rainbow Try a Chapter Unhaul
This month: Purple

I actually didn’t even get to a blue book for this challenge last month, so I’m hoping to maybe read one of them (LAST SEEN LEAVING or THE SOCIETY) this month to make up for it. I’m able to use BLYTHEWOOD here for the challenge because honestly, maybe the first chapter won’t grab me?! And I’ve had this book fooorever.

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