Book Quotes from…
Books I’ve Read Lately
Top Ten Tuesdays were started by The Broke and the Bookish and are now hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl, where we make lists of our top ten books (or something else!) based on that week’s prompt. The topics are provided ahead of time and can be found here. Book links bring you to Goodreads or my review.
I have to say, I have been terrible about keeping track of book quotes lately. I used to collect them all the time and make fun graphics for them. The topic for this week is “book quotes about a certain theme” that you can choose yourself. I thought it might be fun to pick a book quote or two that I enjoyed from my most recent reads, since I could hop over to Goodreads and see what others have highlighted 😉
The Ex-Talk by Rachel Lynn Solomon
“The thing about losing someone is that it doesn’t happen just once. It happens every time you do something great you wish they could see, every time you’re stuck and you need advice. Every time you fail. It erodes your sense of normal, and what grows back is decidedly not normal, and yet you still have to figure out how to trudge forward.”
I remember wanting to highlight a lot of quotes in this one but of course, I didn’t. I really adored this book though.
People We Meet on Vacation by Emily Henry
“I’m on vacation. Vacations always end. It’s the very fact that it’s finite that makes traveling special. You could move to any one of those destinations you loved in small doses, and it wouldn’t be the spellbinding, life-altering seven days you spend there as a guest, letting a place into your heart fully, letting it change you.”
“I still have a lot to figure out, but the one thing I know is, wherever you are, that’s where I belong. I’ll never belong anywhere like I belong with you.”
“Tomorrow we will love each other a little more, and the next day, and the next day. And even on those days when one or both of us is having a hard time, we’ll be here, where we are completely known, completely accepted, by the person whose every side we love wholeheartedly. I’m here with all the versions of him I’ve met over twelve years of vacations, and even if the point of life isn’t just being happy, right now, I am. Down to the bones.”
Lots of fun quotes in this one because it’s heavily focused on travel AND love/relationships, as you can tell from a few of my favorites above.
Life’s Too Short by Abby Jimenez
“Apparently dogs are the answer to all life’s problems.”
“I forced myself to stop thinking about it. To do what I always did—find gratitude in what I’d gotten instead of dwelling on what I’d lost.”
The first one is cute and just very true – give me all the dogs.
Float Plan by Trish Doller
“I’m starting to understand that some people come into your life when you need them, and go when it’s time.”
“Eventually – and I say this from experience – you’ll start building a new house beside the ruins of the old. When you’re ready, you’ll know.”
I actually thought this would have the most quotes but I think I would have more if I went through and highlighted on my own. These two short ones definitely exemplify this book though, especially the second one.
The Switch by Beth O’Leary
“When people talk about loss, they always say you’ll never be the same, that it will change you, leave a hole in your life. ( . . . ) But when you lose somebody you love, you don’t lose everything they gave you. They leave something with you.”
“That’s the way with old friends. You understand each other, even when there’s not enough words out there for everything that should be said.”
This was such a good story! I loved that it also touched on a lot of different topics, including grief and love.
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