Most Anticipated Reads of 2021 – How Did I Do?

Posted January 12, 2022 / Book Lists, Features / 1 Comment

I developed an annual post of “Five Star Predictions” to discuss which books I thought I would rate five stars within that year, and then follow up with a “did my five star predictions come true?” post at the end of the year. It was always fun to not only see if I was correct but also if I actually managed to even READ all of the books. It’s wild how much you anticipate reading something and then just… not even read it.

2020 and 2021 were totally shitty reading years for me and I didn’t even make a predictions post for 2021. When I saw Cristina post about her most anticipated 2021 reads to see how she did with them, I thought that would be a fun alternative for my usual five-star post. I always have two “anticipated reads” posts for the year – one TTT in Dec/Jan for the first half of the year and one in June for the second half. I always include a TON of books instead of just 10 for each section of the year.

Here are the details of the 30 books I was excited to read throughout 2021 and how I fared!

Overall Stats

30 books on my most anticipated list for 2021

Read 17 books (57%) | Didn’t read 13 books (43%)

Ratings of books read:

5 stars = 2 books = 12%

4.5 stars = 6 books = 35%

4 stars = 7 books = 41%

3 stars = 1 book = 6%

DNF = 1 book = 6%

Books I Managed to Read

I’m actually impressed with myself that I managed to read over half of the books on my most anticipated list, and the majority of them had favorable ratings! Only two books scored under 4 stars.

5 Stars

4.5 Stars

4 Stars

Under 4 Stars

Note: THE WOODS ARE ALWAYS WATCHING got 3 stars and I unfortunately DNF’ed SUNKISSED.

Books I Didn’t Get to

13 books out of 30 is not bad, considering I only managed to read 75 books in 2021! There are a few books that I kind of “cooled off” on and wasn’t really in the mood to read after a little while. There are plenty I’m still very excited to read but just haven’t managed to get to! I now own IN MY DREAMS I HOLD A KNIFE, MISTER IMPOSSIBLE, LAST CHANCE BOOKS, and THE HEART PRINCIPLE. Many others are leftover review copies. I also have YOUR LIFE HAS BEEN DELAYED currently out from the library so I’d like to read it soonish too.

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