Top Ten Tuesdays #399: Authors to Meet

Posted March 7, 2023 / Top 10 Tuesdays, Weekly Memes / 4 Comments

Bookish People I’d Like to Meet
Authors I’ve Met & Some I’d Still Like to Meet

Top Ten Tuesdays were started by The Broke and the Bookish and are now hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl, where we make lists of our top ten books (or something else!) based on that week’s prompt. The topics are provided ahead of time and can be found here. Book links bring you to Goodreads or my review.

My authors I’d like to meet post from 2017 did not age well because of stupid JK Rowling being terrible – I went straight there to see who I selected. I think author/book events are really fun and I’m happy that they’re coming back around. I also made another post in 2018 with five authors I’ve met and five I’d like to meet. I thought I would update some of these things for this post!

Authors I’ve Met
Leigh Bardugo

I met Leigh Bardugo back during my first Book Expo trip! I thought I had a picture with her but I can’t track it down anywhere? It was such a fun event and really one of my favorite experiences in this community. I miss the 2015-2016 era of book blogging.

Maureen Johnson

This is the latest book event I went to, so putting it up toward the top! I had the pleasure of going to RJ Julia (my fave semi-local indie) to see Maureen Johnson talk about NINE LIARS, the latest release in the Stevie and friends/TRULY DEVIOUS series. It was really fun – she’s hilarious.

Sara J. Maas

My friend Sarah was moderating the event with SJM and I made the journey out to see her in Rhode Island one night. This was back in 2016 when ACOTAR came out? I think?

Chloe Benjamin

I went to this event in like 2018 and I still haven’t read a book by Chloe Benjamin. It was an interesting author event at Print when we were living in Portland. I really loved seeing a couple of authors there when we lived in Maine for the year! I should get on her books though lol.

Holly Black

One thing I can always count on is Holly Black coming to Mass for a book event or two! I adore An Unlikely Story even though its like 1.5 hours from my house. I’m pissed I missed her last tour this year because I wasn’t paying attention 🙁 At least I got to meet her for QUEEN OF NOTHING!

Morgan Matson

Morgan was another author who came up to Print in Portland – I was genuinely so thrilled about the timing! I loved getting to meet her and hear about SAVE THE DATE. I think I had an ARC for this one so I had already read it, which made the event fun (that’s my favorite kind of author event – when I’ve already read the book!).

Sarah Dessen

She’s the GOAT and we all know it. I was so excited to meet her and take my sister along for the ride! We headed to southern Connecticut to enjoy the evening and hear about ONCE AND FOR ALL. I even won a prize for getting a trivia question right 😉

Authors I’d Still Love to Meet
Jenny Han // Taylor Jenkins Reid // Emery Lord

I’ve met seven authors, so here are the final three authors I’ll include that I would absolutely love meeting. I’m pleased that I was able to check Holly Black off the list as well as Maureen Johnson in recent years! Jenny Han and Emery Lord are obviously looongtime YA favorites (Jenny Han even longer since I def read the SUMMER series right when it came out), and TJR is one of my very favorite adult contemporary authors.

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