Ranking Books by Favorite Authors | Christina Lauren

Posted May 13, 2024 / Book Lists, Features / 1 Comment

I thought this was going to be a more common series on my blog but I basically wrote one post and never tried it again! The idea came from the late Grace at Rebel Mommy Book Blog. I still miss her positivity in the book community and hope I can keep doing this post justice! Previous installments include Sandhya Menon and Rachel Lynn Solomon. Today I’ll be featuring…

Christina Lauren

I was inspired after finishing their latest perfect release to finally do an installment for Christina Lauren! I’ll be honest – I’m not like my friends who have been reading their books since the Beautiful Bastards days. I joined in reading their books soonafter they made the switch to their current rom-com style. I’ve had a ton of success with their books in general and have essentially loved all 9 of them.

5 Stars

The Paradise Problem // This review is coming soon. I have to be honest, their last two releases have been my favorites by them! I loved everything about this book and hope they keep writing books set in tropical locations forever. So many excellent tropes in here! Fake dating, marriage of convenience, super rich family/inheritance, artist and heir… everything!

The True Love Experiment // I loved this companion novel to THE SOULMATE EQUATION even more than its predecessor. There was just something about it that totally hooked me. I liked the reality TV show element and that the “third act breakup” was very different here.

4.5 Stars

The Soulmate Equation // This is the predecessor in question. I feel like their books’ premises get more and more unique over time. This one involved an app to predict soulmate compatibility and even had a single mom MC, which can be hit or miss for me. Such a strong book!

The Unhoneymooners // My first CL book! I have a lot of positive memories about this one and it’s absolutely what inspired me to keep on reading their stories. The Hawaii setting and unique enemies-to-lovers on a fake honeymoon premise were so fun.

In a Holidaze // They continued to win me over with another one of my favorite things – time loops! And a Christmas book! What more could I want? This was great and felt like it was written just for me. I’m not a big rererader but this one would be top of list if I were to reread any of their books.

4 Stars

Something Wilder // This was a weird one for them and definitely departed from the norm – the story was kind of a western with a mystery/thriller aspect? I think if you go into this one expecting their usual kind of story, you’d be surprised and confused. I actually liked this from them and think about it a lot!

Twice in a Blue Moon // Out of all of their books, this is the one that I don’t remember that well… Even reading my review doesn’t help all that much. The book summary doesn’t focus on most of the plot points so it’s hard to discuss without spoiling, but the Hollywood vibes were good here.

The Honeymoon Crashers // This is an audio-exclusive novella that I really enjoyed. It follows a couple of characters from THE UNHONEYMOONERS. I really liked that there were other background noises and multiple voice actors for this one. It was a fun follow-up with yet another great Hawaiian setting.

3.5 Stars

The Honey-Don’t List // The premise of this one seemed soo promising with the Chip and Joanna Gaines (if they hated each other) storyline and their assistants trying to keep them together. I remember thinking the romance was rushed and the characters were not fleshed out that well. Not a bad read and hit the spot for me but definitely my least favorite, even if it was more memorable in general compared to TWICE IN A BLUE MOON.

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