My monthly TBR feature here shows my progress based on last month’s TBR, my plans for this month, and anything else I might be thinking about from a reading perspective. Sometimes I feature a little poll at the bottom so you guys can help me figure out a certain title I should read from a group of books.
November TBR
October was weird – I read some novellas from Amazon and got through a few books on my TBR but also forgot what else I even had on here haha. We’ll see how the rest of the year goes!
Kindle/KU Books
I got an offer for three free months of Kindle Unlimited so I’m trying to read some books off of that TBR over the next couple of months, and potentially holiday books in December! I read the first Chesnut Springs book this past month and enjoyed it so I’m curious to move on to the next one soon. I’m currently reading PHANTASMA for a spooky season book but it’s long as hell, so it’ll definitely take me through November. I have REMEMBER ME TOMORROW as an egalley that I’m really looking forward to but just haven’t read yet.
Library Books
I have these three out from the library right now. I’m really intrigued by all of them but A CURIOUS BEGINNING has been on my TBR for ages. Really hope to get into it before the end of the year, or else I’m pushing an entire series binge to January! ALL THIS & MORE and THE TREASURE HUNTERS CLUB are newer to me and seeing them on the shelf motivated to grab them.
Owned Books
I’ve been kinda wild with my book buying this year (whoops) so there are a number of owned books I’d like to read soon. CLOSELY HARBORED SECRETS is next in this cozy mystery series and takes place near Halloween I think, so this will probably be my first physical book in November. ALL THE COLORS OF THE DARK, THE SPELL SHOP, and SOCIETY OF LIES feel very autumnal to me for some darker, slower mysteries and/or dark academia and/or cozy fantasy! WE SOLVE MURDERS could probably fit in that category too but it’s mostly here because I’d really like to try Richard Osman with a new series-starter before going back to read his other series. And finally, I think I’ll read the most current HEARTSTOPPER graphic novel since I got it the other day and binged rest last month.
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