2022 Midyear Stats

I’ve done these in previous years but for whatever reason skipped it for 2021. I thought it would be fun to do again this year just to track progress (or lack thereof…). Here are my charts! Books Read 31 Read + 0 Rereads + 1 DNF 10,643 pages read As I’ve said a million times, my goal every year is to try to read less than 50% contemporary fiction/romance. I’m achieving this so far! I’ve seen a major uptick in mysteries in the past few years and it’s been really fun. The rest of these numbers don’t surprise me. Nonfiction has only increased because of cookbooks and I’m also not mad about that. Not super surprising here either – contemporary is my most-read genre and generally speaking will equate to the most pages I’ve read. One interesting segment is that paranormal pages is increased here and nonfiction pages are a bit decreased – probably because paranormal books are longer and nonfiction/cookbooks are typically around the same shorter length. Interesting breakdown here! I’d really have to go in and see how this compares to previous years. I’m not shocked that I’ve read mostly egalleys because they’re the ones I’m “obligated” to read. I love seeing that physical non-review copies are getting love too! With a lot of egalleys comes a lot of digital reading. I don’t read a ton of straight-up ebooks that I purchased – chances are if I’ve purchased and read something, it’s physical. This chart usually looks the […]