30 Day Book Challenge – Day 12

Posted August 12, 2014 / Book Challenges, Features / 2 Comments

A Book You Used To Love But Don’t Anymore

Twilight series by Stephenie Meyer

Isn’t this true of every 20-something book reader? Or even people who didn’t like to read? This series quickly became popular and as big of a must-read as Harry Potter or Hunger Games. I remember my friend (who didn’t often read books) forcing me to read these. I loved them at the time, but who didn’t? All of the super-fans kind of made things awkward though. If you admitted to liking Twilight after a while, people made fun of you. The entire fanbase kind of shriveled up.

I saw the movies in theaters and happily finished the series, but then washed my hands of it. I never considered myself obsessed like others, but I did enjoy these books as I was reading them.

2 responses to “30 Day Book Challenge – Day 12

  1. I totally agree! I enjoyed them when I was 16, but now I’m 21 I can’t stand them. The films ruined whatever I did like about the book, and when I went to uni everyone was mocking it. And after doing a Creative Writing degree, it’s hard not to see all the flaws in her writing.

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