30 Day Book Challenge – Day 27

Posted August 27, 2014 / Book Challenges, Features, Uncategorized / 6 Comments

The most surprising plot twist or ending

gone girlGone Girl by Gillian Flynn

Dang. This book had more plot twists and surprises than I thought were possible. Every time I finished a chapter, something wild happened or was about to happen. The ending was pretty wild (and not what I was hoping for). It’s not easy to give any kind of plot summary because the spoilers and twists start happening within the first few chapters (primarily starting in the second part).

This book was amazing.

6 responses to “30 Day Book Challenge – Day 27

  1. thebookheap


    I actually think the ending, as annoying ias it was, fitted it well because it is basically exactly the unhappy ending that you would expect from a sociopath!

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