Inside & Out #16: Shannon from It Starts at Midnight

Posted October 12, 2015 / Features, Inside and Out / 9 Comments

inside out

Admiring book covers and bookmarks, shared by you!

Welcome to INSIDE AND OUT. This feature includes two of my absolute favorite book-related things: bookmarks (inside) and book covers (out)! I’ve invited guest posters to share their favorite book covers and bookmarks here on the second and fourth Mondays of each month. Sign-ups are always open (see bottom of post)! Check out past posts here.

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Shannon from It Starts at Midnight

Twitter: @ShannonMiz| Instagram: @shannonmiz| Goodreads

Tell me a little about yourself: ::Goes to visit past posts to see what kind of stuff other people mention:: Well. Those people didn’t help that much. Let’s see. I have two small humans. I am obsessed with The Hunger Games (this is common knowledge, I think?). I love iced coffee, swimming, and travel. I do 99% of my reading and blogging when normal people would sleep.

Talk about your blog (what you blog about/kinds of books, features, etc.):  I blog about… bookish things. And sometimes non bookish things, but there’s usually a tie in somewhere. Basically, I do reviews, discussions, Top Ten Tuesdays because lists are nice and also I like to cheat on them, and whatever else strikes my fancy. I love gifs. I love pictures. I love being ridiculous, so it’s rare to find too much seriousness in any one post. Holly @ The Fox’s Hideaway and I do a feature called “Snark From the Ark” where we chat about The 100 episodes. We’ll be back in January, as will The 100. I host the 2015 Discussion Challenge with Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction, and I co-host the monthly giveaway hops with Suze @ Librarian Lavender. Kayla @ The Thousand Lives, Inge @ Bookshelf Reflections, and I hosted a mental health in YA event called “Shattering Stigmas” in August, and I have to say it’s the thing I have been proudest of, as it’s a topic very close to my heart. (Sidenote: It is apparently much easier for me to talk about my blog than it is to talk about myself! Weird!)

Favorite genre: Any and all YA. I will try pretty much anything!

Three books you recommend most often and why: Only 3? This is hard 🙂

  1. Only Ever Yours by Louise O’Neill because it is incredibly important, and woefully unheard of here in the US.
  2. Don’t Touch by Rachel M. Wilson because it is an amazingly accurate portrayal of the thoughts that people with obsessive thoughts feel.
  3. This is a tie, because I recommend these all the time- the Unwind series by Neal Shusterman because it is creepy and smart and relevant and he is a genius, and the Chaos Walking series by Patrick Ness because it is so unlike anything else out there, and he is also a genius.

Anything else to share? Personal plug for something coming up?  Well, I did just celebrate my second blogoversary, and there’s two international giveaways 😉

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What book do we have here?  Mockingjay, the Australian Luxury Edition.

Have you read it yet? If so, how was it?  I haven’t read this exact edition, because would you? BUT I have read it nine times in other formats and it is fabulous.

What makes this cover a favorite?  It’s shiny. It’s blue. It’s Mockingjay. It has shiny blue page edges.  And I think the fact that they call it “luxury” makes me feel fancy.

What kind/style of covers do you usually pine over (script fonts, bright colors, realistic, etc.)?  I love space covers. And pretty dress covers, usually. Bright colors for sure. And I am definitely a sucker for shiny. If your book has a shiny cover, it could probably contain no words and I would still buy it.

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What bookmark did you chose?  This ancient one with the bears!

What makes this one special to you? My mom gave it to me, when I was little, it used to be hers (she said it’s probably older than me, and I am pretty old!)

Where’s it from?  No idea? I mean, I am going to assume Pennsylvania. But the back of it says that it was made in Ohio, so my guess would be a factory. In Ohio.

What kind of bookmarks do you prefer (paper, magnetic, quotes, etc.)? I love bookmarks with beads on the end because I like to swing them around. Funny ones are my favorite!

Thanks so much for joining Inside & Out, Shannon! I have yet to reread The Hunger Games series but that copy is gorgeous.

Join in the fun!

Important: Sign-ups are always open and currently scheduled through the beginning of 2016.

9 responses to “Inside & Out #16: Shannon from It Starts at Midnight

    • AW I love that idea, Erin!! My mom *thinks* it is from my dad, but she was not 100% sure hahah.

      And you should get them! They’re the Australian Luxury Editions, and here is a tip: Buy them from Australia! They were only $60 (including shipping!) and on Ebay, people sell them for insane prices (last time I saw them on there it was $130!)

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