Inside & Out #5: Jordin from A Bottomless Book Bag

Posted April 27, 2015 / Features, Inside and Out / 2 Comments

inside out

Admiring book covers and bookmarks, shared by you!

Welcome to INSIDE AND OUT. This feature includes two of my absolute favorite book-related things: bookmarks (inside) and book covers (out)! I’ve invited guest posters to share their favorite book covers and bookmarks here on the second and fourth Mondays of each month. Sign-ups are always open (see bottom of post)! Check out past posts here.

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Jordin from A Bottomless Book Bag

Twitter: @JBottomless| Instagram: @bottomlessbookbag | Goodreads

Tell me a little about yourself: I’m 24, live in Madison, WI and I’m getting married to my fiancé on our 8 year anniversary this June. I love to read, hang out with my cats Aubrey and Everett, and enjoy a nice mocha or caramel macchiato or Riesling or Moscato… pretty much anything that’s sweet :).

Talk about your blog (what you blog about/kinds of books, features, etc.): I review mostly YA books on my blog, but lately I’ve been getting into some crossover-y adult books.

Favorite genre:  Fantasy and then probably contemporary

Three books you recommend most often and why: 

  1. Pretty much everything that Tamora Pierce has ever written, but if you have never read anything by her, I typically recommend starting with her Song of the Lioness series. She’s my all time favorite author because she’s written all of these amazing fantasy books with strong heroines, and I tend to reread a couple of her series once a year 🙂
  2. The Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer because it combines 4 retellings in such a unique way and all the books thus far have been action packed and are just so much fun to read!
  3. And…. ugh, this is so hard because I want to recommend ALL THE BOOKS, but I suppose that I’ve been recommending Rainbow Rowell a lot lately. Fangirl was AMAZING so I’m going to pick that one. I feel like any Harry Potter fan would be able to relate to Cath.

Bookmark Lit 1

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What book do we have here? Isla and the Happily Ever After

Have you read it yet? If so, how was it? Yep, I LOVED this book! I think it is my favorite of the companion books in the Anna and the French Kiss series. I related a bit more to Isla than Anna and Lola, but honestly all of these books were pretty amazing, so if you haven’t read them, get ready for some amazing fluffy contemporary goodness.

What makes this cover a favorite? I like how clean the cover is with the big bold white text and sunset-like gradient in the background with the skyline. These rebooted covers were so much better than the originals.

What kind/style of covers do you usually pine over (script fonts, bright colors, realistic, etc.)?  I really like covers with cool color palettes and I’m rather fond of teals. Another example of a cover that kind of feels like this one is the The Start of Me and You by Emery Lord. It is a little less abstract, but it still has the sunset and the gradient kind of color palette and bold text in front of it all. I guess in general I prefer covers that have a cool text component and the backgrounds are more abstract. I don’t mind if there are people, but I’d rather not be shown exactly what they look like. Which is why I’m okay with the chopped off heads sometimes (like with the Falconer cover).


Bookmark Lit 2

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What bookmark did you chose?  I choose the “Shh! I’m trying to read” bookmark.

What makes this one special to you? It was one of the first bookmarks I got as a present, and at the time I found it hilarious. Now I just love that it’s one of my oldest bookmarks.

Where’s it from? I got it when I was in middle school from one of my friends. She was kind of making fun of me because I read a lot even then.

What kind of bookmarks do you prefer (paper, magnetic, quotes, etc.)? I pretty much love all bookmarks, but I’ll use anything and everything as a bookmark. Receipts, random greeting cards, post-its. But I love getting bookmarks too! I tend to prefer just ordinary paper ones because there less hassle, but I have used magnetic ones and metal ones too. One of the metal ones I have has a lot of tassels, so it’s a risk to use it because my cats tend to attack it while I’m reading.

Thanks for sharing your cover and bookmarks, Jordin! I LOVE the Perkins companion series (even though I was definitely turned off by their original covers – this one is much better!)

Join in the fun!

Important: Sign-ups are always open and currently scheduled through summer.

2 responses to “Inside & Out #5: Jordin from A Bottomless Book Bag

  1. Yayayayayyaya JORDIN <3 <3

    I have already read all the books you have recommended, and I have to second all your recs hahah. Seriously all the books are good! I have yet to read Isla, but I want to, after reading Lola. I love the rebooted covers too! The color palettes are gorgeous for all the covers in that series 🙂

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