Five on Fridays #19

Posted March 4, 2016 / Five on Fridays, Weekly Memes / 9 Comments


Five on Friday displays the the top five things that have been on my mind this week! It could be book-related, but it may be music, movies, TV, personal life, food, etc. Previous posts can be found here!

1 serialI’m aware that I’m probably the last person to listen to Serial. Chris started getting addicted to podcasts because he was sick of listening to books at work. (Rude, right?) I recommended Serial to him without ever having listened to it myself, just because of the hype. We’re both not thriller/murder mystery kinds of people. He was hesitant (and so was I) but he ended up loving it and demanding I start it right away. He also started season two but I’ve already decided not to bother with it. ANYWAYS, holy shiiiiiit we’ve been talking nonstop about this case for the past week. I binge-listened to Adnan’s case in a matter of a week. Just so addicting, it’s unreal. He also started Undisclosed, which is a podcast by some other people involved with the case. I guess it goes into more detail about everything (like, way more than Serial does) and can get pretty addicting too. I decided to start that one this week but only allow myself one episode per week. I can’t handle binge-listening to another podcast like I did. Did you listen to Serial?? Who do you think did it? I don’t think Adnan did but I’m also not entirely sure that Jay did either…2 skiing2016-02-21 10.30.35-1I’ve referenced this a few times so far but I haven’t expanded much on it. I learned how to ski last winter and had a relatively terrible experience. I say “relatively” because the first half of the day was wonderful and I thought I had it DOWN. Then, I embarked on my first journey down a trail… and completely failed. I fell every two seconds and cried and walked halfway down the mountain instead of skiing. I decided not to give it up, though, because I was pretty confident I would eventually get the hang of it. I didn’t go again until this year… and I finally got it! I went skiing three times this month. Fun fact: I’ve never skied at the same mountain twice. I’ve been skiing four times and have been on four different mountains. Perks of living in New England, I guess? So anyways, we’ve taken off two Mondays to ski this month (Chris snowboards) and we also went on a Sunday with a couple of my friends. The first time we went this season,  I did well. I was still having some issues with bombing the hill and not being able to slow down. I handled the training hill and bunny hill pretty well, so I was ready to go the following weekend with our friends. I did decent that weekend except on the trail – yet again – I failed. I don’t know. I just get nervous because I can’t slow myself down and I’m afraid of falling, which makes me fall. Whatever. The final time we went (more on the rest of that trip below!), I GOT IT PERFECTLY. I can slow down, pace myself, control my speed, and not fall. It’s amazing. Something just finally clicked. We’re hoping to sneak in one or two more trips to the small local mountain, maybe for night skiing/snowboarding, just because we’re kind of addicted.
3 netflixI always share my recent media obsessions in my monthly wrap-ups, but I don’t expand too much on them because what is there to say? This year’s focus has been on balancing my hobbies out. I try to read less and watch more TV. An odd resolution, I know, but it’s important to me for 2016. I’ve done a good job of this! I usually read when I wake up in the morning and right before bed, but give myself TV and Chris time between dinner and bed. It’s nice to not feel FORCED to read! Here are the shows I’m involved with…

Watching weekly

Younger • Broad City • Workaholics • Shadowhunters
American Crime Story: The People vs. OJ Simpson • Idiotsitter

Netflix and on-demand binges

It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia • Daredevil • Friends (duh) • Fuller House • Angie Tribeca

Took a break from but planning to pick up again soonish

Fresh off the Boat • Agent Carter • Devious Maids • Modern Family • Chasing Life
Friday Night Lights • Finding Carter • Faking It  • Brooklyn Nine-Nine
Wet Hot American Summer: First Day at Camp • Orange is the New Black • Girls

Planning to start soonish

Gilmore Girls • Making a Murderer • The Shannara Chronicles • Telenovela
Dawson’s Creek • Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. • Parenthood

4 trip to vt2016-02-29 15.49.40When Chris found out that one of the biggest mountains (that’s somewhat close to us – 2 hours away) was having an insane deal on Monday the 29th, we decided to turn it into a mini vacation. We drove up to Brattleboro, VT and explored the town the day (Sunday) before we planned to ski. They had such cute shops everywhere – ski and outdoor ones, Vermont souvenir shops, old-school music stores, and little cafes and restaurants. We dicked around town a little and then drove 15 minutes north to our hotel. We found it online after having an issue with the overpriced Airbnb we planned to book. The motel was only $60 so we decided to be cheap and risk it. The pictures showed that the rooms were recently renovated, so it actually looked REALLY nice for that price! It ended up being just fine in person too. The rooms had a log cabin-feel because of slanted wooden ceilings. Overall, it was absolutely a great choice. We saved money on the room and had more to spend around the town! We relaxed in the hotel and then had dinner and drinks at a really cool plac2016-02-28 17.58.18e called Whetstone Tavern. It’s actually right on the New Hampshire/Vermont state line and overlooks the Connecticut River, plus a bridge into NH. It was awesome! The porch was heated so we had beers out there until our table was ready. The food was REALLY good. I ended up getting a burger with – wait for it – peanut butter on it. It was awesome, actually. Chris got some of the best meatloaf I’ve ever had, too. We watched the Oscars from our hotel bed, woke up early the next morning, drove 45 minutes to the mountain, and had a great day of skiing/snowboarding! Such a fun trip for us.5 currentlyy

I occasionally write Currently posts which highlight more personal thoughts, feelings, activities, etc. that I’m doing at that very moment. I thought it would be fun to do that as a part of Five on Friday sometimes.

Adding NOTHING. This is important because we’re trying to focus more on keeping the important things and not just shopping for the sake of shopping. On the weekends in this boring state, we don’t have much to do except hit a few stores and spend money we don’t need to spend. This has slowed down a lot and I’m happy.

Anticipating my tax return!!! I neeeed that money. I have plans to pay down my credit card as well as catch up on other things I’m terrible about budgeting for. I need to develop a good plan for the money so I don’t blow it in one spot. I want to get ahead on some bills as well as have some fun money for vacations.

Debating what to cook for dinner over the next few days. I’ve been better about browsing Pinterest and coming up with new recipes from what I find, but I’ve also been lazy… My local grocery store (the one I used to work for in high school) has really great marinated meats so I’ve become kind of addicted to those. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Doing a lot of cleaning. Our apartment was spotless for a little while, but we have an issue with slooowly messing up the place. It starts with one item out of place and then it eventually becomes a cluster of clutter in certain spots. (Looking at you, kitchen table and dining room table bench.) We’ve been on a minimalism kick, so I expect this to continue!

Drinking lots of beer. This sounds bad, but we’ve grown accustomed to coming home from the mountain and having a couple of beers because we’re so sore and tired and just want to chill out. We’re addicted to the Shock Top Raspberry Wheat, plus a slice of orange inside. Just SO GOOD.

Eating crockpot meals! Aside from the pre-marinated meats from the grocery store I mentioned, I’ve been using our crockpot a lot. We have a REALLY BIG one and a really small one, so it’s hard to cook regular-sized meals. The huge one is impossible to clean and keep in the sink. It’s just a mess. SO we discovered crockpot liners and they’re a LIFESAVER. It’s like lining your slow cooker with a heavy duty plastic bag so you don’t really have to clean it. It’s amazing.

Feeling hungry. Not gonna lie, my lunch was not enough food for me right now.

Loving the new round of OTSP Secret Sister! Mine hit the nail on the head for the first package. I’m also enjoying sending out to my person. She has similar interests to me and we’re good with the pen pal aspect so far! I’m liking the lower price tier I chose also – less pressure to buy too many things.

Photographing way more things, more often! Now that Instagram allows you to switch between multiple accounts in the app, I’m able to use my personal, book, and planner accounts equally. It’s so so so fantastic.

Planning everything in my bullet journal. It’s amazing for daily/weekly to-do lists, as well as long-term goals and lists. I always have random errands to run during my lunch breaks and this system has been so helpful for me to keep track of all the things I need to do in a week.

Reading more than I should be! You know my goal was to read less but it seems like I’m reading more. Eye roll from everyone who doesn’t have any time to read, right? I’M SORRY! I can’t help but feel like I need to just step away from the books more often. There are TV shows to binge! Boyfriends (okay just one) to spend time with! C’mon girl.

Starting a No Spend March! I participated (kind of… I mostly failed) in No Spend April last year. I want to see if I can actually do it. There are a few things I need to spend money on or have budgeted, but I’m determined to ONLY bring lunch for the next two months. Eating out is my biggest expense. I also can NOT buy stickers or planner products. Period. Bye.

Swooning over Deadpool still. I’m so happy with that movie and already want to see it again. The style of humor was just so perfect and his character is my favorite. I love the other Marvel movies obviously, but there are so many elements of them that are more PG, because of the Disney thing. Deadpool being produced by Fox just left so much room for inappropriateness.

Thinking that I should really get some work done. I’ve been procrastinating a lot and I’m just so not in the mood for anything related to this place anymore. But, I want to make some commissio… so let’s hope that I get my mojo again soon.

Trying to be better with money. I’m terrible. I recently got YNAB (You Need a Budget) and it’s working really well for me. I like being able to track and categorize expenses, as well as be able to change my budget each month depending on what bills come up.

Watching so many things. You saw the entire section about that.

Wearing new clothes from Old Navy! I used to be literally addicted to the store. Not kidding, I would go in multiple times in a week sometimes. I’m usually dressed head-to-toe in Old Navy clothes. I got a $50 gift card for Christmas and was saving it for a really good sale weekend. Last month there was a 40% off weekend so I got three new shirts and I still have some money left.

9 responses to “Five on Fridays #19

  1. Love this post. I had just listened to Serial over Christmas time. LOVED it. I started the second season but eh. TV is my jam. Younger is so much fun. I am watching Girls and Togetherness on HBO right now. Also checked out Fuller House for kicks. You nee ot watch Parenthood. SO good. I am als addicted to Old Navy. Love that store!

    Grace @ Rebel Mommy Book Blog recently posted: Weekly Rewind ~ 3.6.16
    • Yay! Serial season one is GREAT! I wish season two was better :/ Younger is GREAT and I definitely need to get back even further into TV. I love the idea of Parenthood so hopefully I can start soon 🙂

  2. I feel like I am the only person who has no idea about this Serial podcast except the very basic knowledge that it exists and people love it. Perhaps I should give it a try. I do know I am a Netflix junkie. I just watched Fuller House (pretty good if you liked the originally show!), Jessica Jones is amazing, and now I am watching Broadchurch (the British version) and it is amazing as well. Peaky Blinders is also damn good. Next up, the new season of House of Cards. 😀

    Kay @ It's a Book Life recently posted: Review: Walk on Earth a Stranger by Rae Carson

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