As you (probably don’t) know, one goal I had when starting this blog was to feature recommendation lists for people seeking new books to read within different topics. Top Ten Tuesday kind of took over for this area for me, which is perfect, but sometimes I like to create my own. The Contemporary Romance Challenge hosts a monthly topic to partake in.
Past topics this year: Anticipated Early ’16 Romances • Recs for Newbies •
Favorite Tropes • Favorite Contemp Romances Ever
Here’s May’s topic:
Underrated Contemporary Romances
I have to say, I tend to follow the trends within romance. I don’t go out on a limb much because I’ve gotten SUPER picky about the romances I like and don’t like. I have generally found that self-pubbed romances contain too much angst for me (with the exception of one series you’ll see on this list!!), so I don’t read them unless they’re highly recommended to me. I’ll split this up into different “age groups.”
Young Adult
New Adult
There are so many on here on my TBR! I actually own Meant to Be, The Distance from A to Z, and Come Away with Me. I also want to read more Dahlia Adler as I enjoyed her book I read this year. I will have to check out the rest! Thanks for sharing!!
Ahhhh I hope you love those! Some of my all-time faves 🙂
I’ve only read Meant to Be, so I guess you’re right in that these are underrated! But I seriously loved that book and do recommend it to loads of people. I’ve also been eyeing Boomerang for a while because of the glorious reviews.
Thanks for the recommendations!
Thanks! Hope you enjoy them 🙂
Yayyyy Meant to Be! I’ve wanted to read Just Like The Movies for awhile and I have Boomerang on my kindle! Love this post idea 🙂
I definitely have you to thank for Meant to Be!! <33
Come Away With Me was so, so good! I was so emotional reading that one. And I absolutely adored the Radleigh University series and the Boomerang series a whole lot. It’s the kind of NA I absolutely adore! And The Distance from A to Z is one of my favorite YA contemporary romances everrrrr. Great list, Lauren!
Omg I know, so emotional!
I’m picky about NA because I don’t like a lot of angst/drama and those totally hit the mark.