Ten Great Underrated Books with
Under 2000 Goodreads Reviews & Ratings
Top Ten Tuesdays are hosted by The Broke and the Bookish, where we make lists of our top ten books (or something else!) based on that week’s prompt. The topics are provided ahead of time and can be found here. Book links bring you to Goodreads or my review.
I decided to go with the absolute lowest number of ratings that I really enjoyed, and work my way up. There are plenty of underrated books worth reading so I’ll try to highlight some I don’t usually mention! I’m also going to try to avoid super new releases because obviously those may not have as many reviews too. These were published in 2015 or earlier.
My Reviews:
Three Day Summer • Class of ’98 • Aspen • Play On • Hello? • Only Everything
Damsel Distressed • My Last Kiss • The One Thing • The Revenge Playbook
Hello? was on my list too. Loved it so much. Damsel Distressed is one I own and need to get to. I need to check some of these especially Class of ’98. Great list!!
Yess. Class of 98 is always pretty cheap on Kindle! Maybe I can lend it to you too?!
Three Day Summer! Such an underrated and good book. I adored Damsel Distressed as well and Hello? was really good for me too. I’ve got to add Class of 98 and The One Real Thing to my TBR!
Yess, hope you enjoy them!
The One Thing, was a really great book! I wish more people would read it! Great Top Ten! 😀
My Top Ten Tuesday!
Yess I’m glad you read it and enjoyed it! I’ve seen it around way less than it deserves.
I’ve yet to read any of these but My Last Kiss has been on my TBR for what seems like forever. I’ll definitely have to check a few of these out! Great List!
I enjoyed it quite a bit! Definitely a fast read.
I haven’t read any of the books on your list, so I’ll be checking them out on GoodReads. Thank you for sharing ^_^
Brittany @ Brittany’s Book Rambles
Thanks for your comment! Hope you find some to check out 🙂
I’ve been meaning to read Play On for a while now! All of my friends rave about it!
I really enjoyed it! I can’t wait for the next one in a few months 🙂
I thought Hello? was super popular. I had no idea that it had so little ratings. Both of my co-bloggers adore it so it’s been on my TBR for ages and ages. It’s definitely one I plan to read soonish. And I have The Revenge Playbook borrowed out from the library, ATM, so I’ll have to get to that one asap as well. Great list!
I think a lot of the people who read it are passionate about it, so it’s talked about a lot — but apparently underrated!