Summer Bingo (Remaining) TBR

Posted July 7, 2016 / TBR Lists, Uncategorized / 7 Comments

Every season for as long as I can remember, I’ve participated in the Bingo cards by Pretty Deadly Reviews. I don’t usually set out to complete the card and make a special TBR for it, but I always think it’s fun to see how how many books I read automatically end up on the card. For this one, I feel like I’m already killing it right away… so I definitely want to make a PLAN to knock this one out of the park and complete every square. So! Now that it’s mid-July-ish, I’m going to determine which books I’m going to read to finish filling out the card.

Progress So Far

  • Name in title | Defending Taylor – Miranda Kenneally
  • F/F or M/M romance | History Is All You Left Me – Adam Silvera
  • Red cover | Me Before You – Jojo Moyes
  • Part of 4+ book series | The Assassin’s Blade – Sarah J Maas
  • Magic | Caraval – Stephanie Garber
  • June/July/August release | One True Loves – Taylor Jenkins Reid
  • Water on cover | The Islanders Vol 1 – Katherine Applegate
  • Folklore or myths | Fables Vol 3: Storybook Love – Bill Willingham
  • Starts with S U M E or R | Run – Kody Keplinger
  • Political intrigue | The Long Game – Jennifer Lynn Barnes
  • Weather words in title | Mystic Summer – Hannah McKinnon
  • Book about books | The Readers of Broken Wheel Recommend – Katrina Bivald
  • Yellow cover | Summer Days and Summer Nights – Stephanie Perkins
  • Monsters | Throne of Glass – Sarah J Maas

july 16 bingo1

Possible TBR to Finish Up

As you’ll see, there are some books that fit in multiple categories. I love having that option to decide where something may need to move, depending on what other books I read. I’m sure others I already read could move to different categories as needed too. Obviously some of these books were chosen just because they meet the categories so we’ll see how motivated I get for those when the time comes 😉

White cover

26 KissesBoys Of SummerTell Me Three Things

2016 debut

Summer of Sloane26 KissesThe Loose Ends List


Summer of Sloane

Over 500 pages

The Unexpected Everything

Mental Health

girl against the universe


The Wrath & the Dawn (The Wrath & the Dawn, #1)Labyrinth Lost (Brooklyn Brujas, #1)

Middle grade

The Lightning Thief (Percy Jackson and the Olympians, #1)Return to the Isle of the Lost (Descendants, #2)

Historical setting (00s to 50s)

Wolf by Wolf (Wolf by Wolf, #1)A Mad, Wicked FollyThe Diviners (The Diviners, #1)Prisoner of Night and Fog (Prisoner of Night and Fog, #1)

Food in title or on cover

The Art of LaineyTell Me Three Things

Aussie author

Disruption (Disruption, #1)

7 responses to “Summer Bingo (Remaining) TBR

  1. I also participated in the Summer bingo and plan to covered them all xD So far so good I think. Good luck with your bingo card! 🙂

  2. The Art of Lainey!!! Love this, you have lots of good books on your bingo TBR. I’m doing bingo for the first time and tried to brainstorm some books to fit the squares, since I have so much to read (and it’s all so varied). It’s working ok so far! Bingo is fun 🙂

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